The Water Planet Investigation 7, part 2 TG- P.240-241
Game vs Water-Cycle Recall the Water-Cycle Game. How did the game represent the real Water-Cycle? The game did not represent all of the places that water moves though (e.g. animals can eat plants and gain water from the plants). TG-P.242
Game vs Water Cycle The Water-Cycle Game does have limitations. It is a good representation of the major ways that water will move through the water cycle. TG-P.242
Review Tally Sheet Look at the results from the game that you played using the dice, What do you think would happen if we played the game again or used more than ten rolls on the dice? TG-P.242
Mutimedia Game Play Water-Cycle Game. Gather Results on Tally Sheet. TG-P.242 CD-ROM -Water Cycle Game
Discuss Water Cycle Describe the water cycle based on the two rounds of the game that we have played. TG-P.242 CD-ROM -Water Cycle Game
Draw a Group Water Cycle Each group member will write with a different color. Draw a labeled diagram of the water cycle using the information from both rounds of the game. Include as much detail as possible. TG-P.242 CD-ROM -Water Cycle Game