LO: To be able to explain what is meant by the terms ‘body’ and ‘soul’ ALL (E GRADE): Will be able to describe what is meant by the words ‘body’, ‘soul’, ‘immortal’ and ‘original sin’ MOST (C GRADE): Will be able to explain Christian beliefs about the soul and how baptism is linked to the idea of Original sin SOME (A GRADE): Will be able to explain what happened during the Fall and what is meant by ‘Original sin’ and the impact this has on Christian beliefs Starter: What is the link between these pictures? LO: To be able to explain what is meant by the terms ‘body’ and ‘soul’
LO: To be able to explain what is meant by the terms ‘body’ and ‘soul’ ALL (E GRADE): Will be able to describe what is meant by the words ‘body’, ‘soul’, ‘immortal’ and ‘original sin’ MOST (C GRADE): Will be able to explain Christian beliefs about the soul and how baptism is linked to the idea of Original sin SOME (A GRADE): Will be able to explain what happened during the Fall and what is meant by ‘Original sin’ and the impact this has on Christian beliefs Create a definition for the words ‘body’ and ‘soul’ which also describe what Christians think about the body and soul. Use these words to help you: SOUL – BODY – IMMORTAL – LIVE FOREVER – PHYSICAL – NON-PHYSICAL – CHRISTIANITY – HUMANS – DOES NOT DIE – HEAVEN – BREATH OF LIFE – ADAM’S NOSTRIL The soul is described as the non-physical part of a person while the body is the physical part. Christianity teaches that all humans have an immortal soul. This means that it is a part of them which does not die when their physical body dies, but lives on and goes with them to Heaven. Christians believe that the soul is the ‘breath of life’ which God breathed into Adam’s nostrils. LO: To be able to explain what is meant by the terms ‘body’ and ‘soul’
LO: To be able to explain what is meant by the terms ‘body’ and ‘soul’ ALL (E GRADE): Will be able to describe what is meant by the words ‘body’, ‘soul’, ‘immortal’ and ‘original sin’ MOST (C GRADE): Will be able to explain Christian beliefs about the soul and how baptism is linked to the idea of Original sin SOME (A GRADE): Will be able to explain what happened during the Fall and what is meant by ‘Original sin’ and the impact this has on Christian beliefs I can explain what is meant by the ‘soul’ and ‘body’? LO: To be able to explain what is meant by the terms ‘body’ and ‘soul’
LO: To be able to explain what is meant by the terms ‘body’ and ‘soul’ ALL (E GRADE): Will be able to describe what is meant by the words ‘body’, ‘soul’, ‘immortal’ and ‘original sin’ MOST (C GRADE): Will be able to explain Christian beliefs about the soul and how baptism is linked to the idea of Original sin SOME (A GRADE): Will be able to explain what happened during the Fall and what is meant by ‘Original sin’ and the impact this has on Christian beliefs What story are the pictures trying to tell? The story of Adam and Eve being thrown out of the Garden of Eden is known as ‘The Fall’ – it is called this because by going against God’s instructions, they fell out of favour with Him, they had ‘fallen from His grace’. LO: To be able to explain what is meant by the terms ‘body’ and ‘soul’
LO: To be able to explain what is meant by the terms ‘body’ and ‘soul’ ALL (E GRADE): Will be able to describe what is meant by the words ‘body’, ‘soul’, ‘immortal’ and ‘original sin’ MOST (C GRADE): Will be able to explain Christian beliefs about the soul and how baptism is linked to the idea of Original sin SOME (A GRADE): Will be able to explain what happened during the Fall and what is meant by ‘Original sin’ and the impact this has on Christian beliefs You now have a re-ordering task based on this story and how it links to the idea of Original Sin and baptism. The first and last part have been done for you: 1 The Garden of Eden is perfect 2 Adam is in the Garden of Eden 3 Eve is made to keep him company 4 Eve gets tempted by the Devil 5 Eve eats the fruit from the forbidden Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil 6 Adam and Eve have fallen from grace with God – they are disgraced by going against what His rules – this is known as ‘The Fall’ 7 Eve has now brought the ‘Original Sin’ into the world by going against God’s instructions and being the first person to sin. Most Christians believe that we are all descended from Adam and Eve so we all have this Original sin in us. 8 Many Christians but not all, believe that Original sin is the way in which all humans are born with a lack of holiness about them and this is why most Christians will get their babies baptised which is where the ‘Original sin’ is washed away and the baby is purified by having Holy Water poured onto them. Adults can also get baptised for the same reason. 9 Some Christians think babies have original sin when they are born so have to be baptised. Others believe Original sin to mean that the world they are born into is sinful. 10 When people sin they are punished – like in society if you commit a crime, sinning is a crime against God – the ultimate punishment for sin is life without God – in other words, going to Hell. LO: To be able to explain what is meant by the terms ‘body’ and ‘soul’
LO: To be able to explain what is meant by the terms ‘body’ and ‘soul’ ALL (E GRADE): Will be able to describe what is meant by the words ‘body’, ‘soul’, ‘immortal’ and ‘original sin’ MOST (C GRADE): Will be able to explain Christian beliefs about the soul and how baptism is linked to the idea of Original sin SOME (A GRADE): Will be able to explain what happened during the Fall and what is meant by ‘Original sin’ and the impact this has on Christian beliefs E Grade – Describe what is meant by Original sin – where did it happen, who was involved, who tempted them, how did God react? C Grade – Link the idea of baptism to Original sin and what the purpose of baptism is – make sure to highlight that not all Christians believe babies are born with original sin A Grade – Link the Fall, Original sin and baptism together - you can do this through writing or by using a clear diagram – make sure to highlight that not all Christians believe babies are born with original sin I can explain what is meant by Original sin? I can explain how the Fall, Original sin and baptism are linked? LO: To be able to explain what is meant by the terms ‘body’ and ‘soul’
LO: To be able to explain what is meant by the terms ‘body’ and ‘soul’ ALL (E GRADE): Will be able to describe what is meant by the words ‘body’, ‘soul’, ‘immortal’ and ‘original sin’ MOST (C GRADE): Will be able to explain Christian beliefs about the soul and how baptism is linked to the idea of Original sin SOME (A GRADE): Will be able to explain what happened during the Fall and what is meant by ‘Original sin’ and the impact this has on Christian beliefs Watch the Simpsons episode and consider the following: What does Bart believe about the soul? What does Milhouse believe? What does Lisa believe? Why does Bart change his mind? Try the links in the order here, if doesn’t work go to next LO: To be able to explain what is meant by the terms ‘body’ and ‘soul’
LO: To be able to explain what is meant by the terms ‘body’ and ‘soul’ ALL (E GRADE): Will be able to describe what is meant by the words ‘body’, ‘soul’, ‘immortal’ and ‘original sin’ MOST (C GRADE): Will be able to explain Christian beliefs about the soul and how baptism is linked to the idea of Original sin SOME (A GRADE): Will be able to explain what happened during the Fall and what is meant by ‘Original sin’ and the impact this has on Christian beliefs Plenary: What does Bart believe about the soul? Doesn’t believe in the soul, It's just something they made up to scare kids. What does Milhouse believe? Milhouse recognises the universal religious belief in a soul however diverse these views may be. Milhouse picks up on the idea of the eternal nature of the soul, that it outlasts and outlives our human frame. Also if you do bad things your soul will be punished in Hell. What does Lisa believe? Not sure if the soul is physically real but understands that the soul is priceless. Lisa is not sure whether the soul is a reality or merely a symbol of goodness in us but is aware that without it you are not whole. Why does Bart change his mind? Towards the end he does believe very much as things in his life appear to change e.g. pets don’t like him anymore, automatic doors won’t open for him, has no breath. Bart has come to realise that his soul is part of him, without it he is less than he should be. The world around him does not make sense without his soul. LO: To be able to explain what is meant by the terms ‘body’ and ‘soul’