Warm-Up: 3 minutes (1-proper noun, quotation marks, comma, subject-verb agreement, apostrophe, question mark, possession) 9 errors (2-comma, quotation marks, proper noun, pronoun, exclamation point) 7 errors 1. the poem lost land describes the poets memories of childhood don’t it 2. keiko shouted dawn slid into home plate to win the game for we girls
Six Weeks Test Wednesday Same story & poem as last six weeks test Focus on theme, tone, revise & edit 10 multiple choice questions 25 minutes
Update Grades
“Legal Alien” pg. 30: 10 minutes What are the voices of the speaker? Highlight lines that show the speaker’s identities How does diction show identity? Highlight examples Who is the audience? What is the author’s purpose? What is the tone? Mark the text to show textual evidence. What gives this poem voice?
“Buzz” Word: 3 minutes Exotic— 1. of foreign origin or character; not native Sentences: 1. We like to eat exotic foods from places like China and Africa.
Voice emphasis-10 minutes Reread “Legal Alien” by Pat Mora on page 30 What are the voices of the poem? Use evidence from the text to support your answer. This is for a TEST grade so make it GOOD!
Drama Game I’m going to provide you with a situation and you can only respond with the word “Oh”
You just received balloons from someone special during 3rd period
You finally got the joke your friend told
You just witnessed a minor car accident.
You just received the highest grade on a project.
How did your voice change in each situation?
Grease clip
In the scene, Danny alters his voice and tone to fit his purpose, audience, and context when interacting with two different groups.. Where did this alteration occur? Why?
How did the purpose, audience, situation, or context affect the tone or sound of your voice in the drama game?
Writing an email in two voices- 10 minutes Write a quick email to a friend Write a quick email to the principal How are they different? How did the purpose, audience, and context affect the voice you used in each one?
Homework: Your Tone Poem Make a list of three objects Pick one of the objects and write a four-line poem expressing a POSITIVE TONE towards that object Pick the same object and write a four-line poem expressing a NEGATIVE TONE towards that object Pick the same object and write a four-line poem expressing a NEUTRAL TONE towards that object.
Homework: Your Voice Poem In ACROSTIC POEMS, the first letters of each line are aligned vertically to form a word. The word often is the subject of the poem. 1. Pick 3 objects or people that inspire excitement in you. 2. Choose one of the three objects about which you wish to write a poem. 3. Print the first letter of each word vertically (i.e. down) the page. 4. Write a poem about the object that you selected using the first letter of your chosen object as the start to each new line. 5. Be sure to use VOICE in your writing. The reader should be able to “see” how you feel about the object or person by your writing.