Proposed IRG Name Here Team Members Here- Include Name, Rank, Dept. for each member. (i.e. John Smith, Assoc. Professor1; Jane Doe, Professor2...) 1Materials Science and Engineering (OSU), 2Physics (Univ. of Washington) Overview Explain fundamental science for the IRG, which should be at level of complexity/importance that justifies Center support. Fundamental research must fall within the purview of NSF DMR . Relation to NSF Big Ideas (if applicable), particularly Quantum Leap and/or Big Data IRG Impact Exciting and high impact outcomes of proposed science Establishing distinct claim to leadership role in the topic’s field Summary of groups around the world currently performing the science and a discussion of how your IRG would be distinct and establish global leadership in the field Why the proposed research is at the scale and complexity of the MRSEC environment Science Describe scientific approach Describe where the science currently is and where the IRG would take it Team: Role in Research, Diversity Justify the essential role of each team member Specific expertise and role Why these team members were selected for this proposed science Include demographic table describing the overall demographics of the team, including: Gender Race/Ethnicity Rank Discipline/Department affiliation, Experiment/Theory Balance Other relevant demographic data per your discretion (i.e. disability, veteran status, etc.)