23rd BCC-WG Presentation from Institute of Public Health and Nutrition Mr. Mohammad Aman Ullah Deputy Program Manager NNS/IPHN, DGHS January 10, 2018
Major activities after 22nd BCC WG meeting • Second National Plan of Action for Nutrition (2016-2025) was disseminated in December 12, 2017. IPHN ensured participation from multisector stakeholders to increase coordination among sectors among sectors to ensure improved nutrition IPHN also initiated wide media coverage to let others know the importance of NPAN 2 NPAN 2 given importance to implement integrated and coordinated SBCC Strategy
Major activities after 22nd BCC WG meeting • Vitamin – A Campaign Observed second round of Vitamin –A Campaign in December 23, 2017 Motivational program on Vitamin – A Campaign on different aspect of SBCC has been taken through Newspaper, mass media to disseminate messages TV Scroll through seven prominent private TV Channels run to draw parents attention
New materials with IEC Technical committee approval and expert review TVC (Savings for Pregnant Mother) TVC (Maternal Nutrition) Song (Maternal Nutrition) Song (GMP Card promotion) Jari Gan (Elderly Nutrition) Job Aid (Maternal Nutrition) Poster (Benefit of food group; Maternal Nutrition) Poster (Things to do; Maternal Nutrition) Poster (Maternal Nutrition Advocacy) This materials would be uploaded in eToolkit after field validation
IPHN supported INCA project to develop below Materials
Materials waiting for IEC Technical Committee approval IYCF Flipchart to orient Mother Support Group A Desk Card and three Posters developed by Department of Public Health & Informatics of Bangabandhu Sheik Mujib Medical University to improve Pregnant women’s nutrition
IPHN SBCC Future Plan Develop a SBCC action plan Conduct message & materials development/update workshop Update National IYCF Communication Strategy Develop Adolescent Nutrition Guideline TOT for program managers and planners on the use of eResources
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