File System Regions Files Documents
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Structure of the file system specification BOOLEAN LIST PAIR QUAD BIMAP FILESYS
LIST LIST (Elem with { - == -: Elem, Elem Bool; undef : Elem} sort List uses BOOLEAN constants 0 : List // generates an empty list undef : List first : List Elem // head rest : List List // tail isundef : List Bool -.- : Elem, List List // add to front memberOf - : Elem, List Bool == - : List, List Bool atEnd : List Bool // isEmpty
first(0) = undef rest(0) = undef first(undef) = undef rest(undef) = undef first(a.b) = a rest(a.b) = b atEnd(0) = true atEnd(undef) = false atEnd(a.b) = false
a.b == c.d = (a==c) and (b==d) 0 == 0 = true a.b == 0 = false (a == b) = (b == a) e memberOf undef = false e memberOf 0 = false e memberOf a.b = (e == a) or (e memberOf b)
PAIR ( A with { - == -: A, A Bool; undef : A}, B with { - == -: B, B Bool; undef : B}) sort Pair constants undef : Pair uses BOOLEAN first : Pair A second : Pair B pair : A, B Pair - == - : Pair, Pair Bool