Exam1 Review CSE111 B.Ramamurthy 1/1/2019 B.Ramamurthy
Exam Date March 12, 2014 Please bring This is a closed book exam. Pencils, pens and erasers. This is a closed book exam. No make up exam will be given. 1/1/2019 B.Ramamurthy
Topics Ch.1, Ch4. and Ch.7 Block diagram of a computer Basic elements of a web page HTML, CSS Tags, style, attributes, values etc. heading sizes (h1, h2 etc.), color font-size, font-family img tag, Scaling (size) of an image Tags we discussed in class and those used in the labs List, table, ordered list, unordered list etc. Number system: digitizing data Decimal, binary, hexadecimal 1/1/2019 B.Ramamurthy
Format 5 questions 20(+/-5) points each; Each question may have many subsections. Designated seats: we are going seat in you in a specific place (you will learn about it when you come to the exam.) 1/1/2019 B.Ramamurthy
How to study? Review class notes Powerpoint notes posted on ublearns Read the text book chapter 1,4,7 1/1/2019 B.Ramamurthy
Sample questions Computer hardware block diagram Simple page description to HTML page design Move global style specification to css: such as color Elements enabling a web page Number conversion: Decimal binary Hexadecimal Binary B.Ramamurthy