I can identify £5, £10 and £20 notes.


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Presentation transcript:

I can identify £5, £10 and £20 notes. Maths I can calculate totals, change and coins/notes required up to £10. I can identify £5, £10 and £20 notes. I can compare costs from different retailers in order to work out the best value.

I can link ¼, ½ , ¾, 1½ hours to minutes. I can tell the time in both 12 and 24 hour notation, on analogue and digital displays. I can calculate durations over several hours. I can link ¼, ½ , ¾, 1½ hours to minutes. I can interpret and use timetables to plan events and make time calculations.

I can find the perimeter of squares and rectangles. I can measure length using metres and half metres. I can measure length using cm. I can measure length using m and cm e.g. 2m 30cm.

I can use simple scales in practical activities. I can read scales to the nearest kg and ½ kg. I can estimate the weight of familiar objects and check by measuring. I can make fractional relationships e.g. ½ kg = 500g.

I understand cm² notation. I can explain that ½ litre = 500ml, 1 litre = 1000ml, ¾ litre = 750 ml and ¼ litre = 250ml. I can create relationships between simple fractions of units of measure. I can calculate area in cm² by counting square and ½ squares of regular and irregular shapes. I understand cm² notation.

I can identify sequences including x tables. I can draw shapes with a given area I know how we can apply what we are learning in real life situations. I know the importance of mathematics in the world, how it links to real life, the workplace and the important part that it has played in the creation of inventions, now and in the past. I can identify sequences including x tables.

I can explain and extend a sequence. I can use sequencing in problem solving. I can explain and extend a sequence. I can explain and discuss number patterns. I can demonstrate my understanding of inverse operations (+ -, x ÷)

I can recognise and name a wide range of polygons. I can calculate simple equations e.g. 6 + = 10 I can recognise and name a wide range of polygons. I can recognise and name isosceles, equilateral and right angled triangles. I can use shapes to continue and create patterns.

I can name and classify a variety of 3D objects. I can describe each 3D object using faces, edges and vertices. I can draw 2D shapes and build models of 3D objects using a variety of materials. I can identify where angles can be found in the environment, shapes and pictures.

I can recognise and describe right angles, using mathematical language. I can communicate / follow a simple route using appropriate vocabulary. I can interpret compass bearings on a map (N , S , E , W, NE, SE, SW, NW) I can state the co-ordinates of a point with numbers written in brackets, x co-ordinate first separated by a comma)

I can identify and draw lines of symmetry. I can plot and join points in the correct order to produce shapes, patterns and pictures. I can identify and draw lines of symmetry. I can complete symmetrical patterns using two lines of symmetry. I can use a variety of methods to gather date e.g. tally marks, charts, tables etc.

I can create and organise a variety of charts, diagrams and graphs. I can compare and discuss different displays of the same data e.g. bar charts, line graphs. I can appreciate that data can be presented in a wide variety of ways. I can analyse, interpret and draw conclusions from different simple displays.

I can use simple technology to display and organise data. I can use appropriate vocabulary; chance, likelihood, probable, improbably, certain, uncertain, possible, impossible, random, randomly. I can carry out simple experiments involving chance. I can assign a numerical value to the probability of simple events e.g. one in six chance I will roll a four.

I can use data to predict the outcome of an experiment and explain my predictions. I can apply my understanding of probability in real life contexts e.g. raffles, lotteries, games. I can collect data in a suitable way for the given task.