BUILDING SCIENCE – Services Available Across RiskMAP DISASTER TASK ORDERS – Current State, Best Practices and Needs Risk Mapping, Assessment, and Planning (Risk MAP) 2 February 2017
Building Science – Current Services PTS Standard Operations – Building Science Program Area Support for Disaster Resistant Building Codes National level engagement – International Codes & Standards, ASCE standards, ASTM standards, NFPA standards, etc. Building Code Adoption Tracking State Code Profiles for varied uses: FEMA/State MT Consultations Discovery CAP-SSE Mitigation Assessment Team JFO’s Other SME support for presentations, papers, articles, policy analysis
Building Science –Current Services Problem Focused A/E Studies New publications and updates to Building Science library Technical Bulletins, Design/Construction/Retrofit Guides, White Papers, Etc. Mitigation Assessment Team Readiness Monitor hazard events Maintain MAT SOP Pre-MAT planning and coordination Track MAT successes SME Support and A&E Helpline Serves FIMA and FEMA elements Technical reviews, graphics and content development
Building Science –Current Services Curriculum, Workshops and Technical Presentations Develop and deliver EMI Resident/Field Courses National/Regional Conferences and Workshop Other Field Courses, Briefings, Webinars, e-Learning Program Management Biweekly tracker Reporting and accomplishments Building Science Metrics Support Building Science Working Group Support Building Science Collaboration Site (Sharepoint)
Building Science – New Drivers and Directives FEMA Building Codes Directives New Public Assistance Minimum Building Standards Policy New FEMA-wide Disaster Risk Reduction Codes and Standards Policy FEMA-wide Implementation Plans for Codes and Standards Policy Proposed Disaster-Deductible New Drivers for Building Science and Building Codes 2015 International Codes Requires freeboard in all Zones (varies from 1’ to 2’ or 500 yr. elevation) Other higher standards and ties to Mapping Regulatory/Non-Regulatory Products State Code Council Decisions Builders want no flood provisions or want to weaken them Decisions have huge impacts to flood insurance affordability and resilience Increased Regional Requests for Building Science/Building Code Services Increased Regional Staffing of Building Science POC’s
Building Science – New Services PTS Standard Operations Mapping Program Technical support and consultation related to Risk MAP implementation strategies impacting Risk MAP product production, including but not limited to supporting guidance development to CTPs to improve operations, reviewing technical models and methodologies for adherence to NFIP mapping regulations and flood mapping aspects related to design and construction criteria contained in ASCE 24 Flood Resistant Standard, supporting the Federal Interagency Subcommittee for Hydrology, and participating in ad hoc technical workgroups and communities of practice to create and revise technical guidance and best practices (ex. Engineering and Mapping Community of Practice) Assist the Government Regional Offices, as requested, with map adoption support activities to ensure timely adoption of NFIP compliant ordinances and related flood-resistant building codes, and encourage more stringent standards (ex. ASCE 24) than the NFIP minimums. Other Technical Support Reviewing FEMA and other federal and local agencies’ regulations, policies, standards, flood-resistant model codes, guidelines and best practices that pertain to urban flooding.
Building Science – New Services PTS Standard Operations Non-regulatory flood risk products Provide assistance in the development of new or revised Flood Risk Products as determined necessary from the results of product effectiveness analysis and recommendations from Section 216 Reform Act, BW12, HFIAA or TMAC; as well as products that support the application of ASCE 24 Flood Resistant Design and Construction consensus standard. Regional Support Center Enhancements Provide enhanced Regional Support Center services. The scope of this work package is identical to the FEMA HQ funded Regional Support Center elements listed below in this Statement of Priorities (e.g. quality management reviews, handoff support, analyses and profiles of State flood-resistant building codes in effect, etc). Deliverables and work products are expected, but may be tailored to match project needs as directed by the Regional office. This scope will be managed by the respective Region. Regional Support Center Enhancements may include flood damage-resistant data and building science information requested for use in Risk MAP, building code profiles and statistics requested to inform Risk MAP studies and delivery of building science curriculum, workshops and technical presentations requested in support of Risk MAP.
Building Science – Future Services Other PTS Areas What else do you need in Regions? Other RMD Contracts CERC Include Building Science/Building Code services in future CERC contracts PM Include support to better integrate Building Science into RMD through future PM contracts
Disaster Task Orders Services Current State Guidance issued: Aligning work with RSP $$$ threshold for competition Dual awards for catastrophic conditions Best Practices CO support through Expeditionary Cadre – Sherwin Turner, CO Scopes articulate services are A&E IGCE provided through new template Support for JFO requisition, FCO approval and expedited eCAPS Prepared for justifications and citing appropriate authorities Quick turnaround between TOPR and Award Preselected Evaluation Factors to include Letter form template for TOPR, Technical Evaluation, Award, etc. Simultaneous COR coordination
Disaster Task Orders Services Needs Training, Training, Training PFTs, IM-CORE, Reservists Formalized SOP (The Disaster Contracting Playbook) Process Documentation Authorities Approvals Performance Reporting Invoices Closeout Roles Templates for SOO’s, SOW’s, TEF’s, etc. Consolidated CPARS Highlight of Accomplishments