Plant Sciences UC-Davis Horticultural Sciences Crop and Ecosystems Agricultural Plant Biology
Plant Sciences at UC-Davis 84 faculty with a wide range of expertise Larger pool of expertise to draw on to address important issues Encourage you to become familiar with the faculty and their expertise Internal process as well
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Emphasis on Outreach and Agricultural Experiment Station Mission College level – Dean Van Alfen New faculty hires are reviewed for continuation of their AES appointment All faculty merits and promotions must specifically address applicability of the program to the AES mission Department of Plant Sciences Developing a set of expectations for outreach and teaching load based on the percentage of an individual’s appointment in I&R (instruction) or AES (Agric. Exp. Sta.)
Outreach and Extension Vice-Chair for Extension and Outreach Ted DeJong, IR/AES/CE Enhanced engagement with stakeholder community Needs assessment Promote Departmental Extension AND Outreach Better engagement/coordination with UCCE farm advisors Administer the nine Research and Information Centers (RICs) supported by Department
Research and Information Centers Agronomy California Rangeland Seed Biotechnology Fruit & Nut Ornamental Horticulture Postharvest Technology Vegetables Weeds Tomato Genetics Resource Center 1 Program Representative for each 2 centers
Extension and Outreach Plant Sciences Departmental newsletter Hardcopy then electronic External advisory committee New positions to support extension and outreach mission supported by Department Writer Graphic Artist Events planner
Extension and Outreach Plant Sciences Get acquainted workshop?? Faculty, specialist and advisors Is this a good idea? Topic-oriented presentations and discussions? Water quality and use efficiency Nutrient management Integrated agroecosystems Postharvest
Extension and Outreach Plant Sciences CE Associate in the AES Enhance communication and interaction Participate in: - Strategic planning - I&R/CE/AES search committees - (Under) graduate education - Workshops, seminars, symposia - International programs - Accounts - Farm Receive regular communication from department
Extension and Outreach Plant Sciences CE Associate in AES Voluntary participation in overall program and specific departmental activities Application process Send CV (2 pg) with letter of interest to Chair Reviewed by Plant Sciences Executive Counsel Potential for interaction with Plant Sciences faculty Approve and send forward to Dean’s office for official appointment process
New Faculty Positions Flavor Biologist Crop Ecologist/Agroecologist Urban Horticulturist/Urban Ecologist Ecosystem Management/Restoration Ecologist Quantitative genetics (2)