Russian History Part II WW I to WW II
Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov Vladimir Lenin Vladimir Lenin was the founder of the Russian Communist Party, leader of the Bolshevik Revolution and architect and first head of the Soviet state. Followed Marx’s philosophy on Communism and how it functions. Partook in conspiring against the Csar and was exiled to a remote village in Kokushkino where his Grandfathers estate was. There he studied many a radical literature and declared himself a Marxist. Eventually received a law degree finished his schoolwork in 1892. He then focused on revolutionary politics and preached Marxism and others joined him as he and others became activist and got noticed in 1895, was exiled again this time to Siberia.
Lenin and his rise to power Once released into exile he teamed up with several others attempted to unify Russian and European Marxists Went to St. Petersburgh and stepped up his leadership role in the revolutionary movement. The Csar gave into political pressure and agreed to several concessions like the creation of the Duma an elected political group. This was known as the October Manifesto. Lenin wanted more he claimed to be fighting for the workers and gained a ton of support, leader of the Bolsheviks and partook in yet another Revolution that failed again he is exiled again this time in Switzerland. Still focused on revolutionary politics. In 1917 Russia disposed of the Csars. Lenin saw the opportunity for power. He led a bloody civil war in which the start is known as the October Revolution. He would seize power and deal with several revolutions of his own.
Lenin and a transfer of power Determined to rise to power he unleashed what is known as the Red Terror on any opposition in any civilian population, to keep power. Lenin compromised with his people upset that his people were starving and dying of hunger from a Civil War he started. In 1921 he had to deal with a Revolution of his own. He then introduced a new Economic system that allowed the peasants to sell grain in an open market. He suffered two strokes and began to realize the problems of Communism and the issues with Stalin. Not wanting Stalin to take power feeling he was to brutal, and violent for the Russian people. He entrusted Trotsky to take over for him after his death.
Losif Vissorionvich Dzhugashvili A.K.A. Joseph Stalin Enraged by the what he viewed as betrayal of Lenin on both Communism and himself he through force crushed Trotsky and his supporters Stalin Banishes Trotsky to Siberia with the threat of death if he ever left the Siberian region of Russia. He kept soldiers in Siberia to watch and make sure he never left. Launched several five year plans based on the Communist economic system – They all failed This was centered on the Russian economy specifically on the farmers and their product Many refused and were either killed or exiled The forced collectivization of the food led to famine and the death of millions of Russians He ruled through terror and fear. Built a Cult of personality around himself by renaming cities in his honor
Joseph Stalin WW II and the end Stalin signs the non aggression pact with Germany on the eve of WWII in 1939 showing he knew what was coming. Hitler broke the Nazi – Soviet Pact in 1941. Stalin implemented scorched earth in Stalingrad, as means to defeat the Germans in Russia. Attended both the Teran and Yalta conference. With age he became far worse, established satellites throughout the surrounding Russia to expand his power. Led Russia into the Nuclear age by exploding a Nuclear bomb in 1949 In 1950 gave North Korea’s communist leader permission to invade U.S. supported South Korea – Event triggered the Korean War. Died on March 5th 1953.