The Future of the Church Part 1 Ecclesiology The Future of the Church Part 1
Present Condition Revelations chapters 2 and 3 present seven letters to seven churches in Asia Minor. These are seven _________ local churches. The applications of the spiritual concepts taught in these letters are appropriate for ______ believers. The encouragements can bring comfort and the admonitions and warnings can prevent spiritual calamity. Further, the descriptions of the seven churches represent the characteristics of individual local churches which can be found in ______ timeframe of the church age. Finally, these seven letters describe a _________ view of church history from the cross to the rapture. Living as we do in the end of the age, we must come to grips with God’s description of the ___________ of the church just prior to the rapture. (Rev. 3:14-22)
While many churches are struggling due to reduction in membership, the local churches of the present times are infinitely better endowed materially than the churches of the past. The material ____________ accumulated from past blessings has produced something other than the profound gratitude it should have. Instead ______________ , described here as lukewarmness, plagues the work of God. Far too many believers are so absorbed with their own pursuits to give much more than a ________ approval for the vital work of the church. The name Laodicea, means “the ________ of the people.” Recent years have been dominated by “rights” movements, so much so that the authority of ______ over His church is largely ignored if not completely denied. Failure to submit to the authority of Christ by means of Scripture continues to sap the church of true spiritual ________. True power cannot be taken, it can only be received as God’s people submit by faith. Paul’s description of the last days describes not only the prevailing attitude of worldly people, it also describes the spirit of many believers _________ the church. (2 Tim. 3:1-8)
Lacking spiritual ________ , many churches are marching toward oblivion. Hence, our Lord’s question, Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? (Luke 18:8) Further, the general spirit of apostasy that pervades the culture, ________ the church. (1 Tim. 4:1,2; 2 Th. 2:1-12) Apostasy is not to be noted for what it believes. In fact an apostate can believe almost anything. Apostasy refers to what that which is _____ believed. It is not to ________ for truth! The mania for success that has often gripped fundamental churches has led too many otherwise sincere believers down the wrong path to ______________ with the culture for the sake of success. If we are approaching the end of the age, we must expect the influence of apostasy to become more ___________. Only significant vigilance can preserve faithful churches from this influence. Already many otherwise good churches are compromising in the arenas of music and standards. The only conceivable rationale for these compromises is the ________ hope of reaching the culture with truth by compromising with the culture. The ancient call for ____________ must not be refused. (2 Cor. 6:14-18)