Conducting Face-Offs Presentation Designed by Illinois Hockey Officials Association
Officials Stance Feet shoulder width apart Shins parallel Puck held in non-whistle hand –Puck hand forearm rests on hip bone Head up and looking forward
Holding the Puck Two accepted methods –Thumb on top, forefinger along the side –Thumb and small finger on the side, other finger tips on top Thumb must remain in contact with puck Officials should try different techniques –Both player must have an equal view of the puck –Puck must always land flat –Face-off should be fair
Dropping the Puck Officials must be ready first Simultaneous out and down motion Bend knees as puck starts first Puck must land flat and remain stationary Puck must land on center of face-off spot Do not flick wrist prior to puck drop Push the puck to the ice
Players Positions Centers –Attacking players stick down first –Stick stationary on white half moon –When no spot exists: one stick length apart –Shoulders square with end boards
Players Positions (continued) Other Players –Same side of circle as center –Outside of circle: includes sticks –On their side of the hash marks Which official is responsible for which players? –Official conducting face-off Centers and players in front of him –Partner Players behind the official conducting the face-off
Moving into Position After Face-Off Drop puck Pause to view play Look behind you Back to side boards Keep play in front of you Proceed to position facing play Hustle only when clear to move
Center Ice Face-Off Technique Start of the period –Signal goalkeepers ( Goal Judges ) –Face and signal timekeeper Following a goal –Face the players benches
Handing the Puck to your Partner Hand shake technique Place the puck flat in palm of partner Receiving official closes hand firmly on puck Professional look when clean and crisp Everyone is watching you during this time
End of Slide Show Good Luck!