Dipak Timalsena MIS Consultant E-Judiciary ICT Strategy 2006-2010 for the Courts Service Plans, Prospects and Problems Dipak Timalsena MIS Consultant 1 January 2019
Hon. CJ Dilip Kumar Paudel “In the Future, the ways of working in the Judiciary will be improved and work process reformed…. We need to guide changes in function and organization of Judiciary naturally… As well as actively promote clean, transparent, accountable and users friendly administration through ICT.” Hon. CJ Dilip Kumar Paudel 1 January 2019
DISCONTINUITY At the beginning of the 21st century Introduction … we stand before a DISCONTINUITY of unprecedented magnitude The rate of change appears to be accelerating. How can leaders and policy makers design and enable our Judiciary to be more robust, sustainable, beneficial and transparent for all their stakeholders? 1 January 2019
View of e-judiciary e-Judiciary is not about ‘e’ but about Judiciary ! e-Judiciary is not about computers but about citizens ! e-Judiciary is not about translating processes but about transforming processes! 1 January 2019
Hon. Sr.Justice Kedar Prasad Giri “The Judiciary upholds the rule of Law through effective judicial behavior and simple procedure which is cost effective, transparent and people oriented, The Citizens can be served anywhere and anytime, And the service provided by the Nepali Judiciary would be of International standards” Hon. Sr.Justice Kedar Prasad Giri 1 January 2019
Key Security issue Information protection is information security Defining e-courts The “paperless trial”, the web-based forum or the automated process? “a body with an adjudicative function that makes use of ICTs to run proceedings.” Defining courtroom technology …generic expression…numerous forms of technology…may or may not be present in a courtroom. 1 January 2019
Agenda Where are we today? Where do we want to be? A diagnostic: Current ICT Implementation in Supreme Court & Pilot Courts Where do we want to be? Vision 2010: A prescriptive future state How do we get there? e-Governance Roadmap: Key recommendations and suggested action plan 1 January 2019
EXPECTATION FROM JUDICIARY To provide: Speedy, less expensive and quality justice Justice seekers further demand that the system should be: Corruption-free Transparent Accountable Users friendlily 1 January 2019
Objective of Strategic Plan Domestic and international experience has shown that use of ICT in Judiciary accelerates case progression to reach its logical end within the set time frame with complete de-mystification of judicial process ensuring transparency and accountability. 1 January 2019
Key Elements Of this Strategy Continuity in using existing Developed Programee The Evolution of Case Management System The development of effective Information management System The Development of effective governance by the Courts Service 1 January 2019
Strategy for Sucess 1 January 2019
Key Elements for Success Dynamic Leadership by CJ/Justices /& Management Team Focusing ICT development in Judiciary from available resources Encouraging staff Cooperation Expecting further resources/Support to enhance ICT ICT prioritization as the Demand of Time Expecting Government/Donor's Support 1 January 2019
Key Elements for Success Leader’s Vision Good Judicial Governance Information Technology ITNJ 1 January 2019
Three Pillars of ‘ICT-NJ’ People Process Technology ICT-SC 1 January 2019
Key Challenges Inadequate awareness of the benefit of the ICT Attitude-resistance to change Lack of program management skill Un sufficient Resources(Human /Physical /Fiscal) 1 January 2019
Dr. Ram Krishna Timalsena,Registrar “All the Judicial personnel are servant of the people and the people are the real master” “Judiciary cannot move without modern technology. Judicial management places the users of the courts in the center of judicial administration.” Dr. Ram Krishna Timalsena,Registrar 1 January 2019
Where are we today? 1 January 2019
Key on-going ICT initiatives Acquired 550 Desktop Computers with 8 Small size Servers Networking for 300 Computers in the Supreme court Developed initial stage of the following Software's Legal information System Record Management System 1 January 2019
Key on-going ICT initiatives Cont… Personnel Management System Store/Procurement Management System Documents Management System Misil (Case Records) Management System Publish Weekly /Daily Cause-List in Web site Prepared ICT-NJ Master Plan Introduce Computerization process in 6 District Courts (PDC,MDC,CDC,KPDC,KDC,SDC) Connected Kathmandu District Court to Supreme Court via Fiber optic Cable 1 January 2019
Key on-going ICT initiatives Cont… Introduced Unique Case Registration No. within Judiciary Standardized Case management within Judiciary Entered Back log running Cases and maintain up to date in Supreme Court, and other 6 Courts IT awareness Training 24 Hrs internet/email facilities for 400 Computers(300SC+100KDC) Web Development & Web Hosting Developed Appellate Courts Software and District Court Software 1 January 2019
“As is” view of ICT Enablement in NepaliJudiciary 5th Stage ICT Enablement 4th stage Development of ICT Culture 3rd stage Initiation Stage Supreme Court 6 Pilot Court 1 Lalitpur DC 2nd stage Physical presence of ICT infrastructure 10 Appellate Court 1st Stage (Planning) 6 Appellate Court All District Court expect Pilot Court and LDC Supreme Court Appellate Court District Courts Other Courts Courts 1 January 2019
Vision 2010: A prescriptive future state Where do we want to be? Vision 2010: A prescriptive future state 1 January 2019
MISSION of “ICT-NJ” To change the prevailing Judiciary system into E-SMART Judiciaries and look into implementations of systems being used in other Judiciaries around the world. 1 January 2019
VISION of “ICT-NJ” “Complete “Automation” of all processes in Judiciary by 2010” Note: Majority of the activities currently are conducted manually by using physical resources such as paper, traditional clothes-raping system (The Poko), hand to hand circulation and archive storing etc. 1 January 2019
GOALS of “ICT-NJ” Management Framework Hardware Software Capacity Building 1 January 2019
GOALS of “ICT-NJ” Management Framework Hardware Software Management Framework services Formalized ‘ICT- NJ’ Master-Plan Document by 2005 November 15 Establishment of ‘ICT- NJ’ National Task Force by 2005 November 30 (on progress). Establishment of ‘ICT- NJ’ Coordination Unit by 2005 December 15 (on progress). Appointment of external ICT-Consultation Team by 2005 December 30 (on progress) Management Framework Hardware Software Capacity Building 1 January 2019
GOALS of “ICT-NJ” Management Framework Hardware Software Bring all Appellate Courts under SC into single network by 2006. Provide at least 15 Computers to Non-Gazatted employees in Appellate Courts by 2006. Provide at least 5-10 computers per District Court by 2009. Connect all Appellate Courts with SC by using Radio-link or Dial-up by 2007 Connect all District Courts with Appellate Courts & SC by using Radio-Link or dial-up by 2009 (depending upon the availability of electricity and telephone) Management Framework Hardware Software Capacity Building 1 January 2019
GOALS of “ICT-NJ” Management Framework Hardware Software Capacity Building Software Program Planning Monitoring Evaluation Information System Legal Information System (LIC) Decision Management Information System Criminal Case Traking System Lawyer License Management System Record Management System Financial Administration System Personnel and Payroll Management System Office Automation and Communication System Store Management System Library Management System Documentation Management System eRegister Public Domain Information Dissemination System 1 January 2019
GOALS of “ICT-NJ” Management Framework Hardware Software Capacity Building ICT Awareness Building Programme (to all SC employees by 2006 , to all Appellate Courts staff by 2007 and to all District Courts staff by 2009) ICT Management Training Programme (to all Justices, first and second class officers of SC by 2006, to all Judges, first and second class officers of all Appellate Courts by 2007 and to all Judges, first and second class officers of all Courts of District by 2009) ICT Basic Usage Training (to all SC employees by 2006 , to all Appellate Courts staff by 2007 and to all District Courts staff by 2009) ICT System Management Training (to few selected personnel for ICT system management and maintenance of Supreme Court by 2006 , for all Appellate courts by 2007and for all District Courts by 2009. Management Framework Hardware Software Capacity Building 1 January 2019
How do we get there? “ICT-NJ” Roadmap 1 January 2019
NATIONAL PLAN Plan propose to implement ICT in Nepalese Judiciary three phases over a period of five years 1 January 2019
IMPLEMENTATION PHASES OF ICT IN NEPALESE JUDICIARY PHASE I (two years) To introduce ICT culture with requisite training at all levels PHASE II (two years) To provide ICT coverage of Judicial processes from filing to execution and all administrative activities PHASE III (one year) There will be creation of Information Gateways between Courts and Public Agencies and Departments and use of advanced ICT and scientific tools 1 January 2019
PHASE I (TWO YEARS) Creation of computer rooms in all the Courts complexes Around 1200 Judicial Officers will be provided with Computers Extensive ICT training to Judicial Officers and Court staff Arranging of awareness programs and training modules for lawyers Well structured database will be created of all the pending and fresh cases with user-friendly retrievable facilities Installation of wi-fi facilities and creation of video-conferencing studios in the Supreme Court including Benches Creation of e-filing facility in Supreme Court … 1 January 2019
Reporting Procedure 1 January 2019
PHASE II (TWO YEARS) Complete Automation of Registry level processes Digitilization of Law Libraries and Court Archives Digital availability of case laws, statute laws and law literature through the website of Nepalese Judiciary (www.supremecourt.gov.np) Availability of video conferencing facilities at all Appellate Court complexes Facilities for e-filing in at least all the superior Courts 1 January 2019
Web Site 1 January 2019
PHASE III (ONE YEAR) Establishment of Information Gateways between Courts and police stations, prisons, land record and registration offices as also other governmental agencies Use of bio-metrics and other high-end scientific tools 1 January 2019
Capacity Building IN HOUSE COURSES OVERSEAS TRAINING Induction Programmes Refresher Courses Other focused Programmes OVERSEAS TRAINING International Seminars Conferences Workshops Other short courses 1 January 2019
AT THE END OF PHASE I We will be able to build up the capacity of the Judges for delivery of speedy and quality justice National Judicial Data Center will provide litigational trends in the country for all levels and geographical locations supporting better management and policy decisions ICT modules will be available for assessing work performances. There will be instant availability of status of cases, judgments and orders of all Courts through Internet, kiosks and facilitation centers ICT will facilitate case flow management, online accessibility of orders, judgments and case related data connectivity to lawyers in and around Court complexes for accessibility of case status, cause lists, judgments and orders 1 January 2019
AT THE END OF PHASE II Automate registry level processes eradicating delays, harassment and corruption at this level Digital production of under-trial prisoners and distant examination of witnesses through video-conferencing Online availability of legal resources to the Judges, lawyers and public at large Availability of e-filing facilities at Appellate Courts 1 January 2019
AT THE END OF PHASE III Availability of online information between the Courts, prosecuting and investigating agencies, prisons, land records and registration offices will accelerate disposal of civil and criminal cases Bio-metrics and scientific tools will help in identifying habitual criminals, professional witnesses and litigants and in resolution of complex factual disptues 1 January 2019
QUESTIONS 1 January 2019
Thank You Technology for better Governance Technology in eGovernance Key Elements for Success - Technology Thank You deepak@supremecourt.gov.np +977-9851055821 1 January 2019