WHO Global Influenza Programme


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Presentation transcript:

WHO Global Influenza Programme Pandemic Influenza Risk and Impact Management: building capacity for pandemic response Good morning. WHO Global Influenza Programme

An overview of strategies, guidance, tools, and approaches for sustainable and resilient pandemic preparedness.

Evolution of WHO Guidelines on Pandemic Preparedness Planning: Pandemic Influenza Risk Management (PIRM), 2017 http://www.who.int/influenza/preparedness/pandemic/influenza_risk_management_update2017/en/

Highlights of PIRM Framework: the Risk-based and Integrated Approaches Promote all-hazards approach to Emergency Risk Management for Health Strengthen whole of government and whole of society approach to risk management Emphasize risk-based approaches with high-level guidance on risk and severity assessment Uncouple global phases from national actions Introducing flexibility in countries for planning and response Incorporate new developments e.g. PIP Framework

From Strategy to Practice Guidance and Tools Development Pandemic Influenza Risk Management (2017) Checklist for PanFlu Risk & Impact Management (2018) Essential Steps for Developing/Updating National PIPP A Practical Guide for Developing & Conducting SimEx to Test and Validate PIPP Finalizing Monitoring, Evaluation, and Country Support A Member States Survey to access current level of preparedness A Resources Mapping Tool for identifying resources needs in building essential capacities for pandemic response Developing pandemic preparedness Benchmarks/ Milestones for M&E Identifying Best Practices for PIPP in the context of health system and health security strengthening through a global review and in-country piloting

From Strategy to Practice: Guidance on surveillance, risk and severity assessments, and public health measures WHO Guidance for Surveillance during an Influenza Pandemic Published in November 2017 Pandemic Influenza Severity Assessment (PISA) Tool for Influenza Pandemic Risk Assessment (TIPRA) Published in 2016 Public Health Measures for Mitigating the Risk and Impact of Epidemic and Pandemic Influenza To be developed Public Health Measures for Mitigating The Risk and Impact of Epidemic and pandemic influenza

https://extranet.who.int/sph/influenza-plan A New Interactive WHO Inventory Site of National Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Plans Linking with JEE/NAPHS and Monitoring Progress Publicly available National Pandemic Preparedness Plans Searchable by WHO regions Countries Year a plan was developed or updated Countries’ JEE status Countries’ post JEE National Action Plan development 52% of Member States either have not yet developed a plan or plans are not publicly available Of the 93 Member States that have publicly available plans: only 27% updated their plans since 2009 pandemic only 13% updated their plans since WHO published the new interim guidance on pandemic preparedness in 2013 https://extranet.who.int/sph/influenza-plan

A Checklist for Pandemic Influenza Risk and Impact Management: building capacity for pandemic response – 2018 update Build on the up-to-date knowledge on pandemic and emergency preparedness Lessons learned from the 2009 pandemic Best practices Updated pandemic preparedness plans Addressing the need for Emergency Risk Management for Health (ERMH) as outlined in PIRM Mapping pandemic influenza preparedness capacities requirements with IHR (2005) self-assessment indicators Joint External Evaluation (JEE) indicators Resource of key guiding documents on all of the pandemic preparedness related topics Practical, flexible, scalable, sustainable http://www.who.int/influenza/preparedness/pandemic/influenza_risk_management_checklist_2018/en/

Key features of the checklist Many pandemic influenza preparedness and response capacities can be strengthened through capacity building efforts for addressing broader health security threats (all hazard) IHR core capacities JEE and NAPHS Capacities needed specifically for pandemic influenza preparedness and response (hazard specific) Such needs should be addressed through establishing or strengthening seasonal influenza programme Leveraging existing information to assess current level of preparedness and identify priorities Review JEE or IHR annual self assessment data instead of doing another assessment

The Essential Steps Guide This document should be used in conjunction with the checklist Focusing on the process of national pandemic influenza preparedness planning Ensuring the objectives are clear and the essential steps and actions are taken in the planning process Facilitating linkage of the two planning processes, i.e., pandemic influenza preparedness planning and the development of National Action Plan for Health Security (NAPHS)

Pandemic Preparedness Planning A capacity building process, not just writing a plan

A Practical Guide for Developing and Conducting Simulation Exercise to Test and Validate Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Plans The main objective of the guide is to support countries to test and validate national pandemic influenza preparedness plans It provides guidance on how to select, plan, design, conduct and evaluate simulation exercises for pandemic influenza preparedness and response Using the outcomes from evaluation of the exercises to improve the plans being tested

Take Home Messages Pandemic influenza is unpredictable but a recurring event that can have serious consequences on human health and economic well-being Advance planning and investment in preparedness to ensure the capacities for pandemic response is crucial for mitigating the risk and impact of a pandemic and safe life WHO is providing a package of strategy, practical guidance and tools to support pandemic preparedness planning Pandemic influenza preparedness could benefit from leveraging existing activities in strengthening IHR core capacity, health security, and health systems Pandemic influenza preparedness strengthens IHR core capacity, health security, and health systems and should be essential part of the planning processes

Acknowlegments Special thanks to Dr Weigong Zhou

Thank you!