The Magic Power of Sleep A review of a magazine article on how sleep affects the way you live.
When did 24/7 become a way of life? Sleep affects the way you live. When you get more sleep you are happier, healthier and even thinner.
Live longer and healthier If you get enough sleep you… 1.Are likely to have lower blood pressure. 2.Are less likely to have heart attacks, diabetes, gain weight and other problems. 3.Won’t get the flu as easily.
Look better, feel better 1. If you get enough sleep you won’t experience as many headaches and stomach problems… 2.You also look terrible after no sleep. 3.The longer you sleep, the better and healthier you look and feel.
Be happier, less stressed 1.Sleeping makes you less depressed 2.If you have had enough sleep, then you will be more confident and less likely to worry about everything.
What to avoid 1.Caffeine 2.Nicotine 3.Alcohol 4.Eating before bed
How much is enough? There is no prescription but… ~ Adults should get at least 8 hours. ~ Kids should get at least 10 hours ~ Genetics also determine the amount of sleep you should get.
Build a better brain 1. If you sleep for long enough you will be healthier, have better problem solving skills, better memory and mood. 2. Bad quality and quantity of sleep can have long term consequences on your health.
Lose a few pounds Less sleep=obesity Sleep deprivation infuses your food choice Sleep more not eat more If you sleep the recommended amount then you may lose a few pounds.