Comprehensive student success report Board of Education November 13, 2017
Rated as District of Distinction Based on Academic Achievement, Academic Growth and Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness 30 of 178 districts awarded this rating in 2017 Growth at MMS was 85% Growth at BVHS was 94% Elementary subgroups is an area of focus in all subjects CMAS (9th grade) and PSAT (10th grade) in Math was at the exceeds level MMS Math growth was exceeds overall and for the subgroup, free and reduced lunch
PERFORMANCE TASKS AND DEMONSTRATIONS OF LEARNING: CTACH results in mathematics in Performance Tasks and Demonstrations of Learning indicate a discrepancy in mastery and precision compared to problem-solving and communication in math. PERFORMANCE TASKS AND DEMONSTRATIONS OF LEARNING: CTACH results in elective areas are growing in consistency in reporting over time. PERFORMANCE TASKS AND DEMONSTRATIONS OF LEARNING: Not all subject areas have CTACH scores entered.
PERFORMANCE TASKS AND DEMONSTRATIONS OF LEARNING: CTACH results in mathematics in Performance Tasks and Demonstrations of Learning indicate a discrepancy in mastery and precision compared to problem-solving and communication in math. PERFORMANCE TASKS AND DEMONSTRATIONS OF LEARNING: CTACH results in elective areas are growing in consistency in reporting over time. PERFORMANCE TASKS AND DEMONSTRATIONS OF LEARNING: Not all subject areas at every grade have CTACH scores entered. PERFORMANCE TASKS AND DEMONSTRATIONS OF LEARNING: Data needs to be mined by staff. In all subjects, more students performing on grade level or above than below.
ENGAGEMENT Engagement: The school/district promotes student ownership and contribution to their learning and community. Students demonstrate pride and ownership in their learning and progress. (Constructive, Critically Competent) Students have efficacy and contribute to community (Constructive)
ENGAGEMENT LDR shows Evidence of Practice in Engagement SSR Observation data reports over 90% of students participate thoughtfully and are involved in the classroom community Panorama (3rd-5th grade) shows an average of 3.9 out of 4 on CLASSROOM EFFORT
MINDSET Mindset: The school/district promotes and encompass the components of grit and growth, identity and community, and passion and purpose. Identity and Community (Collaboration and Character-Centered) Grit and Growth Mindset (Constructive) Passion and Purpose - Academic Optimism (Connection, Curiosity) Megan Tchson Moran
MINDSET LDR shows Evidence of Impact in Learning Climate There is an assumption of a connection between Learning Climate and Student Mindsets SSR Observation data reports clear expectations and routines that support identify and community and grit and growth SSR highlights 7 C’s embedded into the entire system; “well ingrained and parents, students and staff are positive. 7 C’s represent mindsets Panorama (3rd-5th grade) shows an average of 3.3 for Emotional Regulation 3.9 for Self Management 3.7 for Social Awareness Panorama (KDG-2nd) Teacher Perception Surveys show 3.6-4.0 in all five mindset areas
KDG-2nd Teacher Perception