Student Health Screening Welcome to… Student Health Screening Training Workshop Hosted by: School Health Services Department Department of Health DCPS Audiology DCPS Screening Services
HEARING SCREENING TRAINING 2018-2019 Duval County Public Schools Student Health Screening Training Workshop
Program Overview: Hearing screening is required to be conducted annually for students in grades K, 1st and 6th and new students entering Florida for the first time in grades 2nd -5th In 2017-2018, 28,688 DCPS students were screened, and 322 of the screened students were referred for further medical examination. All health screenings should be completed as early as possible during the school year, so health concerns can be addressed as soon as possible.
Equipment and Materials DCPS Audiology provides: Screening equipment – Audiometers Training on the use of the equipment School Health Services Department provides: Coordination of screening process between schools, Screening Services and Department of Health Duval County; including scheduling assistance, data entry and reporting Website with all hearing screening related documentation for schools to access DCPS Schools Provide (Print from School Health Services Dept. Website): Screening Class List Template Referral and Medical Follow-up Form Referral List
Reserving Screening Equipment Call Audiology( 348-7809), two weeks prior to the scheduled screening date(s) to reserve the audiometers - Elementary schools are permitted 2 audiometers - Middle Schools are permitted 3 audiometers Audiometers must be picked up at the audiology department - 4037 Boulevard Center Drive, Team B Center, 1st Floor - Enter the building and check-in with the receptionist Audiometers can be kept for up to two (2) weeks
Hearing Screening Class List All forms must be printed from the School Health Services Department website (only use forms revised on 8/18 or later):, go to School Health Services, Student Health Screening, Hearing Screening The Hearing Screening Class Lists should be prepared with school, grade, teacher, student names and student numbers before the screening day. Screening Results should be recorded on these forms as the students are screened.
Screening Process Select a quiet room Complete “Hearing Screening Class List” form with individual student information and results. Provide a copy of class list to each station. Bring four to five students at a time and ask one to help demonstrate Instruct the students in the procedure (raise hand when they hear the beep) Place the headphones over the student’s ears (Right ear = Red and Left ear = Blue) Child should NOT be able to see you Vary your tone presentation and test all frequencies
Screening Levels K – 5th grade students are presented sounds as follows: Frequency (Pitch) Intensity (Loudness) 1000 HZ (hertz) 25 dB (decibels) 2000 Hz 25 dB 4000 Hz 25 dB 6th grade students are presented sounds as follows: 1000 Hz (hertz) 25 dB (decibels) ` 4000 Hz 25 dB 8000 Hz 25 dB
Screening Results Student PASSES screening if… There is only ONE checkmark on the form Student FAILS screening if… There are TWO or MORE checkmarks on the form. (It does not matter if the checkmarks are from one or both ears) Place an “x” on missed frequency. Do Not Mark On Passed frequency. Students who fail screening must be re-screened ***Wait at least one week between screenings*** Three attempts must be made to screen students who are ABSENT from the mass screening
Recording Results and Referrals Complete the “Hearing Screening Referral List” based on the outcome of the rescreening Only list the names of the students who failed both the first and second screening and are being referred for further medical examination. Indicate on list if referral letter was sent home. Leave copies of the completed form for the school counselor and school nurse for follow-up. All ORIGINAL screening results should be placed in the Blue Envelope labeled Hearing Screening.
Referrals Complete a “Referral and Medical Follow-up Report” form for each of the students who failed both the first and second screenings. Be sure to include rescreening result. Send the completed forms home with the students and place a copy in the “Hearing Screening and Follow-up Documentation File” and the student’s “Cumulative Health Record” Follow-up information should be returned from the medical professional’s office directly to the DCPS Screening Service office via FAX (904) 858-1945 or email
86-A - Screening Services office Lists - Data Entry Make copies of the completed “Hearing Screening Class Lists” and send the originals for data entry via school mail to Screening Services: Send by FAX (904) 858-1945 or 86-A - Screening Services office Schools DO NOT complete a “Hearing Screening Results Summary”