Integers Colin Dodds - Number Types (Math Song)
bottom increase below sea level decrease top above sea level
Positive and Negative Integers A PowerPoint for Mr. Brown’s 6th grade. 26 - 3 -15 Positive and Negative Integers A PowerPoint for Mr. Brown’s 6th grade. 16 MCC6.NS.5: Understand that positive and negative numbers are used together to describe quantities having opposite directions or values. -7
Lesson LT: NS. 5 -1. I can identify an integer and its opposite. 2 Lesson LT: NS.5 -1. I can identify an integer and its opposite. 2. I can use integers to represent quantities in real world situations (above/below sea level, etc.). 3. I can explain where zero fits into a situation represented by integers.
Integers are defined as the set of whole numbers and their opposites. Integers include: Positive numbers, also called the counting numbers, (1,2,3,4, . . .) Their opposites, negative numbers, (-1,-2,-3,. . .) And zero, which is neither positive nor negative.
Negative integers have values less than zero, are to the left of zero on the number line and are always shown with a minus (-) sign. Positive integers have values greater than zero, are to the right of zero on the number line, and usually are not shown with their sign (+).
Integers are represented by small slashes on the number lines, and do not include the fractional or decimal numbers in between the slashes. Number lines can be either horizontal or vertical.
So… why do we need negative and positive integers?
You can use integers to describe opposite situations. For example: Positive Integers Negative Integers Depositing money in a checking account Elevation above sea level Any temperature above zero Yardage gained in football Withdrawing money from a checking account An elevation below sea level Below zero temperatures Yardage lost in football
Example 1 A sea gull is flying 25 feet above sea level and a shark is swimming 10 feet below sea level. What elevation does the surface of the water represent? 2) What is the elevation of the bird? 3) What is the elevation of the fish?
What is the temperature on this thermometer?
Let’s try some… Write the number that best represents each statement: It is 6 degrees warmer than yesterday. I lost $2.00 through a hole in my pocket The price was reduced by $12. I improved my mark by 16. The building is 312 meters tall. My sister is three years younger than me. We cut 9 inches off the timber plank. I made of profit of $180.00. I will increase my exercise by 25 minutes each day. Let’s go up 10 flights of stairs.
Inverse Relationships Define the inverse relationship of each. 1. Move 8 spaces to the right. 2. Drive 4 miles north. 3. Add 45 4. -35 5. +75 6. -105 7. +405 8. -25 9. -66 10. +245