Henry Street High School Plagiarism Henry Street High School
Definition Plagiarism is a form of cheating that is defined as the use of thought or ideas of someone else by a student without crediting the source. Use of part or all of any other person’s book, essay, magazine article, chart, drawing, diagram or any other piece or work in an assignment without proper acknowledgement is plagiarizing. Submitting an assignment written by anyone else or presenting information taken from the Internet as one’s own is plagiarizing. Submitting your own work twice for 2 different courses can be considered plagiarism. (Henry Street High School, Student Handbook, pg. 13)
This means you must give credit to the person, firm or artist if you use… A video or movie clip. A direct quote from any source. Information from any internet source A picture, chart of graphic copied from any source. Another student’s work. Information that is paraphrased from any source.
Why Plagiarism is Wrong Most instructors agree that plagiarism is wrong, but here are some reasons why plagiarism is considered unethical. When you commit plagiarism, you hurt yourself and the community in the following ways: You deny yourself the opportunity to learn and practice skills that may be needed in your future careers. You also deny yourself to opportunity to receive honest feedback on how to improve your skills and performance. You invite future employers and faculty to question your integrity and performance in general. You commit fraud on teachers who are evaluating your work. You deprive another author due credit for his or her work. You show disrespect for your peers who have done their own work. (“Why Plagiarism Is Wrong”)
Consequences – Henry Street High School First Time – You will be sent to the appropriate administrator. You will then have an opportunity to rewrite the assignment, but you will be graded out of 50%. The teacher will contact parents/guardians. Second Time – You will be sent to the appropriate administrator. You will receive a mark of 0 on the assignment. There will NOT be an opportunity to rewrite. The teacher will contact parents/guardians.
Where do I find information about citing? Go to the school website, and from there to the Library Commons website. In the menu, on the left hand side, you will see ‘Tutorials’. This is where you will find information about using both MLA and APA citation styles. Have a look! Also, please consider using Easybib, which is a citation engine, paid for by the school. If you have not signed up, see Ms. Lock or Mrs. Pucknell in the Library.
If your teacher asks you to use turnitin.com… Ask them to set up the assignment so you can run a check for plagiarism BEFORE you submit. This site is a plagiarism checker, but is where your teacher might mark your work. But, you can use it to your advantage and avoid any problems.
Work Cited “Why Plagiarism Is Wrong.” Teaching and Learning with Technology, 28 Jan. 2014, tlt.psu.edu/plagiarism/student-tutorial/why-plagiarism-is- wrong/. Accessed 27 Feb. 2017.