Popular Struggle & Movements
Nepal… Won democracy in 1990. Formal power was with the King. Real power with elected representatives. 2001 – Massacre of Royal Family, Gyanendra took charge. 2005 – Dissolution of Parliament. 2006 - Popular control over Govt. headed by the King. 7 Party alliance called for a 4 day strike. Maoists & other organisations joined. 21st April, King conceded to all demands leading to : Restoration of Parliament. Seizure of power from the Ruler. To make Koirala Prime Minister. Maoists & SPA came to an agreement about a new constituent assembly to be elected.
Bolivia… Fight against Privatization of Water World Bank pressurised Government to give up control of Municipal Water supply. Sale of rights to a MNC for the City of Cochabamba. Company raised the price of water 4 times. 4 day general strike by Labour and Human Rights and Community leaders. Government agreed to negotiate. Power of the people forced MNC to flee & made Government to concede to all demands. Water supply was restored to municipality at old rates.
Similarities… Nepal & Bolivia Involvement of political organisations Instances of political conflict that led to popular struggles Involvement of mass mobilisation Public demonstration of mass support clinched the dispute Involvement of political organisations
Nepal Bolivia Differences… To establish democracy Foundation of country`s politics SPA had some big parties with MP’s MAOISTS did not believe in parliamentary democracy, involved themselves in armed struggle thereby establishing control over large parts. They were joined by labour unions. Organisation of indigenous people, teachers, lawyers and human rights groups. Bolivia Claims on an elected Govt. One specific policy FEDECOR composed of Professionals, engineers and environmentalists Federation of farmers, confederation of factory worker`s unions, middle class students from University of Cochabamba and the city`s growing population of homeless street children. Socialist Party supported this.
Two way roles of these organisations are … Direct participation in competitive politics Creation of parties contesting elections and forming Governments
Formation of Organizations… Those organisations that undertake activities to promote their interest are called INTEREST GROUPS or PRESSUREGROUPS. PRESSURE GROUPS : Influence Government policies Do not aim at directly controlling or sharing political power. Formed when people with common occupation, interests, aspirations or opinions come together to achieve a common objective.
Pressure Groups… Movements : Narmada BachaoAndolan Women’s Movement Influence politics rather than directly take part in electoral competition They are loose organisations Make informal decisions and are flexible They depend on spontaneous mass participation
Sectional Groups… Interest Groups… Are united organisations Do not care much for mass participation Promote the interest of a particular section or group of society Example : Trade Unions, Business Associations & Professional Bodies Sectional Groups… Represent a section of society Example : Workers, Employees, Business Groups, Industrialists, Followers of Religion & Caste Groups Aims : Betterment of their members & not society in general
Groups… Promotional Groups FEDECOR (FeracionDepartamentalCochabambina de Regantes) Represents some common or general interest that needs to be defended. Members may not benefit from the cause that the organisation represents. Promotional Groups Promote collective good Aim to help groups rather than their own members Group fighting against bonded labour is an example They are also called public interest groups
Groups… Movement Groups BAMCEF(Backward & Minorities Community Employees Federation) Made of Govt. employees that campaigns against caste discrimination It addresses problems of its members who suffer discrimination Its concern is with social justice and social equality for the entire society Movement Groups Issue specific movements and seek to achieve a single objective within a limited time frame
Single Issue Movements… Nepalese Movement Specific objective of reviving the king’s orders that led to suspension of democracy Narmada BachaoAndolan Specific issue of people displaced by creation of SardarSarovar Dam Objective To stop the dam Questioned all such big dams and requirement of such dams Has a clear leadership and organisation Active life is short
Long Term & More Than One Issue Movements… No single organisation controls /guides such movements. All these have a separate organisation, independent leadership and different views on policy. Example : Environmental movement Women’s movement
National Alliance for People’s Movements(NAPM)… Movement groups struggling on specific issues are constituents of this loose organisation which co ordinates the activities of a large number of people`s movements
How do Pressure Groups & Movements exert influence on Politics ? They gain public support and sympathy for their goals by carrying out information campaigns, meetings and petitions. They influence media by giving attention to these issues Protest activities like strikes are done to force the Government to take note of their demand Business groups employ professional lobbyists or sponsor expensive advertisements They participate in official bodies and committees that offer advice to the Government Sometimes political parties grow out of movements Example DMK and AIADMK
Groups… Interest groups and movements do not directly engage in politics but seek to influence on political parties Movement groups take a political stance without being a party They have political ideologies and position on major issues Is their influence healthy? Pressure groups have deepened democracy. Governments can often come under undue pressure from a small group of rich and powerful people Public interest groups and movements perform a useful role of countering this influence and reminding the Government of the needs and concerns of ordinary citizens Sectional groups prevents the domination of one group over the rest They bring about a rough balance of power and accommodation of conflicting interests