Chapter 9, Lesson 2
History The Inca established their empire in the Andes. They established a highly developed civilization in the area that stretched from present day Ecuador to Central Chile
The Inca were skilled engineers who laid out networks of roads that crossed mountains and went through forests. Manchu Picchu in Peru is a grand display of the Inca engineering.
The Inca used quipus to account for financial and historical records. The silver and gold resources used by the Inca attracted Spanish conquistadores.
Spanish conquistadores settled in Colombia, Argentina, and Chile. Portuguese settled in Brazil.
` The British, French, and Dutch settled in northern S. America By the mid-1800s, most S. American countries had won independence.
Simon Bolivar led the revolution in Venezuela. Jose de San Martin led the revolution in Argentina.
Population Patterns S. America is the world’s 4th largest continent. Most people live along the coasts and major rivers of the continent.
Ecuador is the mostly densely populated country in S. America. About 80% of the population lives in urban areas. Countries around the region are experiencing brain drain.
Assignment Create a cartoon strip showing the history of South America. You must have at least 5 frames.