State of legal transposition (1) EU Member States 6,3** 5,7**** 1* 1*** 1***** Notified End 2003 March 2004 June 2004 Sept. 2004 Dec. 2004 * AT, ** BE (Flanders), DK, ES, GR, IE, NL, UK *** PT **** BE (Brussels and Wallonia), DE, FIN, FR, LU, SE ***** IT (main WFD requirements already included in national law)
State of legal transposition (2) Acceding States 5*** 3** 1* Notified End 2003 March 2004 June 2004 Sept. 2004 * SI ** CY, LV, MT *** CZ, HU, LT, PL, SK Missing: EE
State of legal transposition (3) Candidate countries, EEA States, and Switzerland Countries Transposition BG RO ? End 2003 NO June 2004 CH No transposition
River Basin Districts (EU Member States) Countries RBDs (total) RBDs (intern.) Int. RBDs (%) AT BE DE DK ES FI FR GR IE IT LU NL PT SE UK 3 4 10 13 14 8 12 7 20 2 5 16 3 4 6 1 5 (5) 2 100 57 60 7 29 63 25 30 43 ? 50 40 19 TOTAL 139 * 53* * This number includes repetitions (i.e. same IRBD declared by two or more countries)
River Basin Districts (Acceding, candidate and EEA States) Countries RBDs (total) RBDs (intern.) Int. RBDs (%) CZ CY EE HU LT LV MT PL SI SK 3 1 4 2 3 1 4 2 100 TOTAL 21 * 19* * This number includes repetitions (i.e. same IRBD declared by two pr more countries) BG RO ? 1 ? 1 ? 100 NO 14 2 14
Expected River Basin Districts Estimated, unofficial number of nat. and int. RBD avoiding double counting (Status: Nov. 2003): EU15 (total): 111 (intern.): 25 (23%) EU25 (total): 122 (intern.): 34 (28%)
Start of formal transposition and implementation checking in 2004 Key issues Start of formal transposition and implementation checking in 2004 Devlopment of a (public) information policy Delays in legal transposition in some EU15 MS Lack of formal EEA agreement of transposing WFD in NO, IS, LIE