Design 6 Classes 4th Quarter Lunar/Mars Rover Science Project Why We Explore? Design 6 Classes 4th Quarter Lunar/Mars Rover Science Project
Human Space Exploration Humans are driven to explore the unknown. Humans are addressing fundamental questions about our solar system. Humans are challenging our boundaries.
A Flexible Path This is a beginning of a new era in space exploration in which NASA has been challenged to develop systems required to explore beyond low-Earth orbit. NASA is using the International Space Station as a testing area and stepping stone for the challenging journey ahead. Robotic exploration continues to deliver profound answers about our Universe by visiting far-off destinations and collecting scientific data. By using robotic exploration combined with human exploration, we will use technology to increase our ability to observe, adapt and uncover new knowledge.
Why the International Space Station? The international space station serves as a national laboratory for human health, biological, and materials research. This station will provide a safe, reliable and affordable system to transport crew and cargo.
Translunar space is the vast expanse surrounding the Earth-moon system, extending far beyond the moon’s orbit and dominated by the two bodies’ gravity fields. WHY TRANSLUNAR SPACE?
Why Asteroids? Asteroids are believed to have formed early in our solar system’s history—about 4.5 billion years ago. Future robotic missions to asteroids will prepare humans for long-duration space travel and eventual journey to Mars. Robotic missions will provide information about more efficient and affordable exploration in space.
WHY MARS? Mars has always been a source of inspiration for explorers and scientists. Robotic missions have found sources of water. Mars is our nearest planetary neighbor and provides the best opportunity to demonstrate that humans can live beyond a low Earth orbit.