GIS Technical Guidance


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Presentation transcript:

GIS Technical Guidance By Albrecht Wirthmann, GISCO, Eurostat e-mail: WISE Technical workshop – Brussels – 9-10 January 2007

WISE Technical workshop – Brussels – 9-10 January 2007 Contents Actors Update of WISE GIS guidelines table of contents Workplan Definition of work packages Involved actors Time line WISE Technical workshop – Brussels – 9-10 January 2007

WISE Technical workshop – Brussels – 9-10 January 2007 Actors Update is coordinated by WISE Technical group Technical group led by EEA Work on GIS guidance by Eurostat EEA, JRC, WRc, UBA, NERI, responsible for work packages Additionally involved DE, FR, IT, SE Presentation of WISE technical group WISE Technical workshop – Brussels – 9-10 January 2007

Update to table of contents Consider issues related to vertical integration between detailed and generalized datasets Include services for supporting the provision of WISE products Include business rules for creating, updating, prioritisation of data sets WISE Technical workshop – Brussels – 9-10 January 2007

Update to table of contents Vertical Integration Harmonisation Vertical Integration of data sets Business Rules Rules for amending and updating data sets WISE Technical workshop – Brussels – 9-10 January 2007

Update to table of contents Web Services for WISE Technical Descriptions Web Services for maps, metadata and data exchange WISE Technical workshop – Brussels – 9-10 January 2007

WISE Technical workshop – Brussels – 9-10 January 2007 Assumptions Definition of work packages (+ sub-packages) Time Overall time line to end of 2007 beginning of 2008 Coordination with Technical work group meetings Reporting requirements WISE development plan WISE Technical workshop – Brussels – 9-10 January 2007

WISE Technical workshop – Brussels – 9-10 January 2007 Assumptions Working method Draft by sub-group of WISE TWG Discussion within WISE TWG Presentation and discussion with GIS work group Final adoption by Water Directors WISE Technical workshop – Brussels – 9-10 January 2007

Supporting documents, initiatives Current GIS guidance Strong relationship to INSPIRE implementing rules and the respective working groups ISO 19000 standards series on geographic information OGC standards (WMS, WFS, WCS, CSW) Relevant projects RISE. MOTIIF, SDIGER, … MS developments WISE Technical workshop – Brussels – 9-10 January 2007

WISE Technical workshop – Brussels – 9-10 January 2007 Work packages Purpose, WFD and WISE, GIS in WFD and WISE Product definition General Approach to data set definition Technical Descriptions Harmonisation Coordination WISE Technical workshop – Brussels – 9-10 January 2007

WP 1 Purpose, General Introduction Rationale Widen Scope to include WISE Chapters Purpose of Guidance Implementation of WFD and development of WISE GIS in WISE including WFD Who DG ENV / ESTAT When First draft in 1st quarter 2007 Discussion and Finalisation mid 2007 WISE Technical workshop – Brussels – 9-10 January 2007

WP 2 Definition of products Rationale Add definition of new products to be delivered through WISE Chapters 4. Definition of derived products / maps 4.1-4 Visualisation of basic contents, policy implementation, compliance assessment, scientific analysis Who EEA / ENV / JRC When First draft by mid 2007 Discussion and finalisation until end 2007 WISE Technical workshop – Brussels – 9-10 January 2007

WP 3 General Approach for data definition Chapters 5. General approach for dataset definition 5.1 Technical Aspects 5.2 Options for dataset creation Sub-packages Technical Aspects Options for dataset creation Rationale Set conditions for new datasets Clarify strategic approach WISE Technical workshop – Brussels – 9-10 January 2007

WP 3 General Approach for data definition Who ESTAT / UBA When First draft in 1st quarter 2007 for sub WP 3.1 and 2 quarter for WP3.2 Discussion in 2nd and 3rd quarter 2007 Finalisation end 2007 WISE Technical workshop – Brussels – 9-10 January 2007

WP 4 Technical Descriptions Sub-packages Overview and data model definition (WRc, UBA, APAT, NERI) Feature coding (ESTAT, working group on feature coding) Metadata (ESTAT, BfG, EEA) Data Exchange (JRC, BfG, EEA, WRc, WA/SE) Web Services (EEA/BfG/NERI, UBA, ESTAT) WISE Technical workshop – Brussels – 9-10 January 2007

WP 4 Technical Descriptions Sub-packages Overview and data model definition (WRc, UBA, APAT, NERI) Feature coding (ESTAT, working group on feature coding) Metadata (ESTAT, BfG, EEA) Data Exchange (JRC, BfG, EEA, WRc, WA/SE) Web Services (EEA/BfG/NERI, UBA, ESTAT) Rationale Widen scope, include new datasets, services Who ESTAT / EEA / JRC / MS When Depends on sub WP Finalisation end 2007 questionable WISE Technical workshop – Brussels – 9-10 January 2007

WISE Technical workshop – Brussels – 9-10 January 2007 WP 5 Harmonisation Sub-packages Core datasets (EEA/ ESTAT / JRC / MS) Vertical Integration, new data layers, Updating (UBA) Comparable Reference Units (WRc, NERI, UBA) Rationale Definition of harmonisation process Who NERI, UBA, WRc, EEA When Start in 2nd quarter 2007 Drafts by 3rd and 4th quarter 2007 Finalisation 1st/2nd quarter 2008 WISE Technical workshop – Brussels – 9-10 January 2007

WISE Technical workshop – Brussels – 9-10 January 2007 WP 6 Coordination Rationale Adapt to changed structure and organisation Links to WISE implementation plan Who ESTAT (Technical work group) When Should be one of the first First draft q1/2 2007 Finalisation end 2007 WISE Technical workshop – Brussels – 9-10 January 2007