Daniel Gleason NCGIS (703) 814-4575 Daniel.T.Gleason@nga.mil Portrayal Focus Group Daniel Gleason NCGIS (703) 814-4575 Daniel.T.Gleason@nga.mil
PFG Activities Develop NSG Roadmap for GEOINT portrayal Harmonize with DGIWG Portrayal Roadmap “To Be” GEOINT portrayal architecture Portrayal register schema and information model Operational portrayal register Populate register with symbol sets and portrayal rules Register governance process 2
PFG – Types of Standards Portrayal architecture ISO 19117, Geographic Information Portrayal ISO 19135, Geographic Information, Procedures for Item Registration OGC Styled Layer Descriptor (SLD) OGC Symbology Encoding (SE) NSG/DGIWG/NATO standard implementation of these standards Symbology development activities Symbols and portrayal rules for NSG Mission Specific Data Symbols and portrayal rules for Joint Operational Symbology (MIL-STD-2525) 3
PFG Issues Symbology – hardcopy and softcopy GEOINT Portrayal Roadmap Web-enabled vs. stand-alone non-networked architecture Liaison with DOD Symbology Standards Management Committee (SSMC) 4