What about functionalized hydrocarbons. Do values of lgHm(298 What about functionalized hydrocarbons? Do values of lgHm(298.15 K) correlate with slngHm(Tm)? Hv(298)/kJmol-1=4.69(nC -nQ)+1.3nQ+3.0+nMM +b +C For the present let’s ignore metals and lump the quaternary carbons contribution with the constant. Hv(298)/kJmol-1 4.69nC + b + C if we allow C to be a variable, then this relationship is an equality such that 4.69nC + b >> C
The b term can be expressed as 4.69*a such that b = 4.69*a Then Hv(298)/kJmol-1 4.69(nC + a) + C Hv(298)/kJmol-1 4.69nC’ + C where nC’ = (nC + a) Since 298.15 is an arbitrary temperature, the following relationship should hold for any temperature. Hv(Tm)/kJmol-1 AnC’ + B + C’ It should be possible to express B (contribution of the functional group as B = 4.69*a + c as long as we are referring to the same functional group Hv(Tm)/kJmol-1 = A(nC + a) + C’’ if we allow C’’ to be a variable
Hv(Tm)/kJmol-1 = A(nC + a) + C’’ Hv(Tm)/kJmol-1 = AnC’ + C’’ slnHm(Tm)/kJmol-1 is generally small and its contribution can be expressed in similar form. slnHm(Tm) = A’nC’ + C’’’ where C’’’ is a variable. slope = lgHm (298.15 K) / slngHm(Tm) slope = (4.69nC’ + C)/(AnC’ + C’’+ A’nC’ + C’’’ ) slope = (4.69nC’ + C’)/[(A+A’) nC’ +C’’+C’’’] slope = [MnC’ + X]/[M’nC’ + X’]
Consequences of this analysis: 1. Only compounds with the same functional group can be correlated. 2. Only compounds with the same number of functional groups can be correlated unless: a) group values of the functional group are the same as for C; b) the number of carbon atoms is kept constant and the number of identical functional groups varied.
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