Mexico 6th on IBP’s Open Budget Index Mexico & GIFT 2016: 1st Country implementing Open Fiscal Data Package 2017: Mexico Lead Steward 2018: #DataToTheStreets Rally (Mexico, Chile, Colombia) 2018: Open Data Tutorials All along: Peer learning in an honest, open and safe space for Governments, Civil Society and International Organizations for a better understanding of Fiscal Transparency and Citizen Participation in the budget cycle. Mexico 6th on IBP’s Open Budget Index
Technology as a tool Let’s take it to the next level… Design + Technology = Communication Maps Dynamic search engines Open Data (+++ International Standards) TAKE 2 Bringing budgetary data to everyday stories SEEMLESSLY (without the user having to mind how to figure it out).
Engagament (period) Surveys Capacity Building (off and online) Capacity Building (MOOC: Understanding Budget trhough its Data) Joint Events and partake in CSO Events Newsletters (You are not spamming if it is what people want!) Social Media #DataToTheStreets Rally
Mexico’s Ministry or Finance gift to GIFT Bigger and better 2019 Rally (everyone invited) Open Data Standards Linking Transactional level information Geo-location web-app for sharing Fiscal Transparency of disaster relief efforts Artificial Intelligence for fiscal transparency Peer learning on subnational reporting Webinars and tutorials for all of the above! FB: TransparenciaPresupuestaria @TPresupuestaria