Progress Works, recommendations and future work programme


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Presentation transcript:

Progress Works, recommendations and future work programme Marine Strategy Framework Directive: From Technical Group on underwater noise (TG Noise) Progress Works, recommendations and future work programme MSCG 10-11 November 2014, Brussels

Descriptor 11 The good environmental status of the marine environments is achieved when "the introduction of energy, including underwater noise, is at levels that do not adversely affect the marine environment" (2010 Good Environmental Status decision (2010 GES Dec.). For energy, measurement of noise should have priority. Two indicators defined, addressing main concerns: Impulsive sound – loud, low and mid frequency e.g. Seismic surveys, piling, sonars, explosions Continuous low frequency sound – ambient noise e.g. Commercial shipping , seismic surveys 10-11/11/14 MSCG Meeting TG Noise Progress

Revised terms of reference for TG Noise, Proposal to MSCG : Revised terms of reference for TG Noise, Progress report from TG noise to MSCG, including the future work programme of TG Noise: Status of implementation of D11, including the feedback from questionnaire Review of GES 2010 Decision Review of CEFAS contract on "impacts of noise and use of propagation models to predict the recipient side of noise" Overview of TG Noise recommendations 10-11/11/14 MSCG Meeting TG Noise Progress

Status D11 implementation Questionnaire Questionnaire on : Usability of TG Noise Guidance, Status of monitoring, common problems. Based on 15 MS answers, (Last 2 recent answers not integrated) 2014 TG Noise Monitoring Guidance is adequate Impulsive noise: much planning of noise registers, none operational Ambient noise: much intention, a few pilot/experimental measurements, no baseline or historic levels 10-11/11/14 MSCG Meeting TG Noise Progress

TG noise Recommendations Monitoring 1. Start monitoring. 2. Once monitoring has started and results become available, consider need for management, possibly on a regional basis 10-11/11/14 MSCG Meeting TG Noise Progress

TG noise Recommendations Standards International standards (ISO) needed but development within ISO will take long (beyond 2020) Member States to work together and support development of standards for terminology, modelling, measurement and monitoring Volunteer lead nation for international standard for underwater noise monitoring needed (NL, UK leading other ISO groups) Adopt interim guidance/ draft standards BIAS 2014 Standards for noise measurements Draft ISO standard 18405 (November 2014) for terminology 10-11/11/14 MSCG Meeting TG Noise Progress

TG Noise Recommendations Review of the GES 2010 Decision Tightened up technically in line with guidance For new indicators, developed a scoring system based on 3 criteria (scale, evidence of impact, added value) to assess potential candidate pressures that might affect GES (e.g. high frequency impulsive sounds, electromagnetic fields, heat) Propose paper on scoring system to be subject for discussion in the January 2015 meeting GES cross-cutting issues. If scoring system accepted, will be used by TG Noise for advice on D11 (but could be used for review other indicators) 10-11/11/14 MSCG Meeting TG Noise Progress

TG Noise Evaluation Roadmap towards GES and noise mapping Results of CEFAS project “Impacts of noise and use of propagation models to predict the recipient side of noise“ were evaluated project and the proposed advice confirmed Define terminology/metrics/measures/basic intermediate time analysis to measure ambient sound Design scientific studies to address knowledge gaps and research priorities on crustaceans, fish and marine mammals Develop suitable common sensor technology to monitor ambient sound at the relevant frequencies for deployment across Member States Suggested a method to address the problem of defining GES for underwater sound, including setting thresholds, targets and refining descriptors 10-11/11/14 MSCG Meeting TG Noise Progress

Future work programme Revised terms of Reference 2015 1. Assist MS/RSC’s on implementation of operational monitoring programmes Setting the monitoring of ambient noise in a (sub)region Setting up and interpretation of the noise register , Provide advice for the review of the 2010 GES Decision, following the cross-cutting issues meeting of GES working group , Review the outcomes of projects relevant to monitoring and assessment of the effects of underwater noise . 10-11/11/14 MSCG Meeting TG Noise Progress

Future work programme Revised terms of Reference 2015 2. Consider the design of assessment frameworks for underwater noise Use the noise monitoring to assess underwater noise effects and characterize this effect (Link between Pressure- Impact and State), enabling future assessment of GES. Assessment and regulation may need to be considered on a sea regional basis. TG noise will provide assistance to group of MS : to enable coherent interpretation of results of monitoring, within and between regional sea conventions to consider options for management frameworks, and if required, help in their development 10-11/11/14 MSCG Meeting TG Noise Progress

Future work programme Revised terms of Reference 2015 3. Support the process of standardization in ISO and ensure making use of European experience, Including participation in international technical workshop (Germany) 10-11/11/14 MSCG Meeting TG Noise Progress

Future work programme Revised terms of Reference 2015 4. Links to other activities TG noise will continue to support MS to work with their neighbors to develop regional/sub-regionale underwater noise monitoring procedures Liaison with RSCs : e.g. register of loud impulsive noise and development of a joint monitoring programme for ambient noise Liaison with existing regional group (OSAPR ICG Noise) and project initiatives : BIAS (HELCOM) project SONIC ( AQUO ( Liaison with US (National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration) , to Ocean Noise Strategy and the cetaceans and sound project (Sound Vs cetacean density distribution) 10-11/11/14 MSCG Meeting TG Noise Progress

MSCG is invited : to provide comments on progress report by 13 November to support the future work programme to Marine Directors for endorsement, if possible without discussion 10-11/11/14 MSCG Meeting TG Noise Progress