He Said, She Said: Different Perspectives Unit 4
Essential Unit Questions: What does the author want you the reader to understand about this text? What is the same about the points presented in these texts? What is different? How can you group together (gather) facts and pieces of evidence from these texts to support your thinking about this topic?
Essential Question: What are some of the most important concepts related to this topic? What is the difference between a topic and a concept? Topic: A subject of discussion or conversation, the subject or a section of a subject Concept: A general idea, arrive at the concept of a flower by studying many different kinds of flowers.
Vocabulary: Main idea- the most important or central thought of a paragraph or larger section of text. It is important to find main ideas when reading. Main ideas help readers remember important information. The main idea of a paragraph tells the topic of the paragraph. The topic tells what all or most of the sentences are about.
Main Idea Summary Frame The main idea of this passage is_______________. One fact or example that supports this main idea is _________________. Another fact or example that supports this main point is_________________. In addition, _______________________________. Finally, ____________illustrates the main idea of this selection is _______________________________.
Summary- a brief statement or account of the main points of something. A summary condenses the main points of a book or article into a few paragraphs to a page, depending on the length of the book. You often read summaries before picking up a book to decide if the work is something they wish to read. If you're writing a book summary for kids, you can influence their decision with an exciting and accurate description.