Macbeth Notes
Juxtaposition Opposites placed next to each other for comparison or contrast
Blank Verse Macbeth is mostly written in blank verse- unrhymed iambic pentameter. Iambic pentameter- 5 feet or beats per line, one stressed and one unstressed syllable. Example: We all live in a yellow submarine, a yellow submarine… Listen to me talking to you.
Tragedy A type of drama in which the major character undergoes a significant struggle that ends in disaster. Arouse emotions of pity and fear to produce catharsis. Tragic flaw- a character defect that helps bring about the heros downfall.
Group Question Who is in charge (wears the pants) in the Macbeth relationship? Why do you think this?
Dramatic Irony The audience knows something the character does not.
Soliloquy A long speech given by an actor when they are alone onstage.
Discussion Whose ultimate decision is it to kill Duncan at the end of Act 1? Macbeth or Lady Macbeth?