Equitable Access to Excellent Educators CACE Meeting April 13, 2018
Resource Allocation Strategy & Planning Introductions Resource Allocation Strategy & Planning Federal Grant Programs Center for Instructional Support Educator Development
Background on Equity Requirements 01 Background on Equity Requirements 02 FY19 ESSA Grant Application 03 Student Learning Experience Report Agenda 04 Resources
Background/Requirements 01
What ESSA says (Section 1112(b)(2) – Local Education Agency Plans) ENSURE EQUITY IN PROVISION OF QUALITY EDUCATORS Identify and address any disparities that result in [historically disadvantaged] students being taught at higher rates than other students by lower rated, inexperienced, or out-of-field teachers pursuant to Section 1111(g)(1)(B).
Defining equitable access Ensuring every student has equitable access to an excellent educator 4 student groups economically disadvantaged students students of color English learners students with disabilities 3 teacher characteristics lower rated out-of-field inexperienced teachers
District requirements Identify equity gaps 1.5 or greater using SLE report (both district and school level – all district schools) Identify strategies to address those gaps Strategies should be incorporated into core strategic planning documents (e.g., district/school improvement plans) – DESE will not collect Summarize gaps/strategies in FY19 ESSA grant application
How will DESE know districts are doing this work? DESE role How will DESE know districts are doing this work? Grant assurances for FY19 ESSA grant application(s) FY19 grant application Through existing DESE monitoring protocols and/or visits
FY19 ESSA grant application 02
FY19 ESSA grant application Consolidated application includes section identifying district- wide priorities In this section, districts will be asked: Did you look at SLE report and find gaps 1.5 or greater? What are those gaps? What are the strategies the district will use to address those gaps? (brief summary information)
District coordination This component will require coordination across the district, and might include: Title I director, Title IIA director, data specialists, principals, curriculum directors, special education and ESL directors, staff charged with hiring, etc.
Timeline and structure Districts should have identified and begun to address equity gaps by the end of this school year ESSA grant application will be available July 2018 We strongly encourage districts to include their strategies to address equity gaps as part of the larger District Improvement Plan/Strategic Plan This is not a one-time requirement. Each year, districts should look at their equity data just like they look at their assessment data, etc.
The Student Learning Experience Report 03
State equitable access context Economically disadvantaged students, students of color, and English learners are about 30 to 40 percent more likely than their peers to be assigned to a teacher with <3 years of experience These student groups are all more than 1.7 times as likely as their peers to be assigned to a teacher rated E/P Students with disabilities are 11 percent more likely than students without disabilities to be assigned to a teacher rated E/P
What does the SLE Report’s data tell us? What does it not tell us? SLE Summary Report What does the SLE Report’s data tell us? What does it not tell us?
Next steps Having seen SLE Summary Report data, what information would be useful to your district when planning next steps?
Queries you may want to run in the detailed report School level: compare experiences for students overall, and for subgroups, across schools Grade level: compare experiences across grades in a school Student level: see which students in a grade have had the highest % of experiences with a certain type of teacher Race/ethnicity: compare across specific groups Student performance: overall or in a subgroup, compare student experiences across testing performance levels Course subject: compare experiences across subjects
Resources 04
MA Equity Playbook I and II Equity website FAQs MA State Equity Plan Resources MA Equity Playbook I and II Equity website FAQs MA State Equity Plan ESE Policy Brief – Teacher Equity Gaps in Massachusetts SLE report (includes video tutorials) Guidebook for Inclusive Practice Equity Roadmap – coming soon
Thank You! For questions related to SLE reports: Contact info For questions related to SLE reports: EducatorDevelopment@doe.mass.edu For questions related to grant application: titlei@doe.mass.edu Thank You!