Gaining Credibility in your Research Field aura Engaged Excellence in Research and Teaching Practices Gaining Credibility in your Research Field Research 1, Session 18, Day Three
Learning Outcomes By the end of this session, you will be able to: Identify the criteria with which research and online professional profiles will be evaluated by others Apply the identified evaluation criteria to your own online profile and thus assess your online authority Identify strategies you could undertake to gain credibility in your field
Activity: Evaluate Your Current Online Profile The purpose of the following exercise is to enable you to: Assess & Review your current online reputation Consider strategies for improving the impact or research uptake of your research Create a communication’s strategy (30 mins)
Activity Continued: Assess & Review your Profile Identify three Social Media tools you could use to devise a communication’s strategy Social Media Channel Do you use this tool? Yes/No Your Account details Twitter Yes @shoshiesatiger Linked In Facebook Research Gate Blog Google Scholar Academia edu Mendeley
Activity: Assess your Authority as a Researcher Individually, assess your ‘authority’ by responding to the following questions: Are you an authority in your field? How can you gain credibility in your field? What can I tell about you from the internet? How many times has the author been cited? Is the author on google scholar? Prepare an oral response for the group (10 mins)
Credible Sources: Social Media Many credible institutions are using social media! Facebook & Twitter (as well as others…) Occupying spaces different target audiences frequent Getting messages out (most recent research, activities etc.) Good for networking & establishing relationships Links to multi-medium posts (incl. video, images and text) Don’t need to be a member of Facebook to view posts Uses #tags (hashtags) to categorise content
The content is authored by: Professor Mark Hepworth, Professor in People’s Information Behaviour, Centre for Information Management, Loughborough University This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.