Research Accounting Office KPIs Q1 2017/18
RAO FINANCIAL REPORTING – QUARTER 1 2017/18 Summary: A lower number of Cost Statements were due in Q1 before a cyclical high number falls due in Q2. Q1 cost statement submissions were on Target at 100 for the Quarter meeting our target. Outstanding Cost statements over 2 months old have decreased to 16, meeting the target of <20 for the quarter.
Accounts on Agresso Summary: The number of accounts on Agresso has increased by 44 in the Quarter. 108 new accounts were opened in Q1, 84 Budget accounts and 24 Non Budget accounts. There are 2559 Research accounts on the system.
Business Partnering The Business Partnering plan for 2016/17 began with 7 PI’s receiving this service in Q1. 3 PI’s have requested scheduling changes and the RAO remain flexible in this regard while maintaining a focus on meeting the annual target of Business Partnering 40 PI’s.