Voorbeeld is: your (jouw) als je you’re/you are (jij bent) bedoelt.


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Presentation transcript:

Voorbeeld is: your (jouw) als je you’re/you are (jij bent) bedoelt. GRAMMAR Ch1.1 Pitfalls (valkuilen) Voorbeeld is: your (jouw) als je you’re/you are (jij bent) bedoelt. Bijvoegelijke naamwoorden: -ed: bored, excited, relaxed, amused -ing: boring, exciting, relaxing, amusing I was bored because the game was boring. He was excited because he saw an exciting film. We were relaxed because we were having a relaxing massage. I was amused because we saw an amusing comedian. -ed = gevoelens van jezelf of anderen. -ing = zegt iets over mensen, dieren, dingen situaties die voor die gevoelens zorgen. Test: This grammar is very confusing/confused and it makes me confusing/confused. which: Which colour do you prefer? Red or blue? witch: A witch can brew potions. with: I went to NY with my father. Wit: Haha, you always make people laugh with your sharp wit. White: snow is white. which= die, welke witch= heks with= met wit= humor, geestigheid, scherpzinnigheid, slim met woorden. white= wit Test: The………………..flew…………………her broom through ………………. clouds …………..looked spectacular. She flew to the forest………………. was also convered in …………….. snow. There were other witches and they laughed when she made jokes because she had ……………… than/then Its/it’s loose/lose Where/were/we’re There/their/they’re Whose/who’s Which/witch/with/wit/white -ed/-ing Test: Richard broke the keyboard. It’s/its broken now. It’s/its missing a the return key. Richard also cut it’s/its wire. Test: ………………the guy ………………… money was stolen and ………………. the thief? whose: Whose bag is this? Who’s: Who’s 15 years old? whose= van wie, wiens Who’s= wie is(verkorte vorm van who+ vorm werkwoord to be) Test: We……...excited when we heard about..……….we would go on holiday. PARIS! ………….very happy our parents took us there. were: They were so tired after camp. we’re: We’re so happy. where: Where was camp? were= was, ware (vt. mv. van to be) we’re= wij zijn (verkorte vorm van we + vorm werkwoord to be) where= waar (vragend voornaamwoord) there: there were many people in Rome. they’re: They’re a large group. their: Their group is large. there= daar, er they’re= zij zijn (verkorte vorm van they + vorm werkwoord to be) their= van hen (bezittelijk voornaamwoord) Test: ………………..money was stolen and ……………………. Homeless so ………………… is no home for them. than: Harry Potter is a better book series than Twilight. then: I read Harry Potter for two hours and then I went to bed. than= vergelijkingen then= geeft een tijd aan (toen, dan, daarna) its: I saw a cat. Its hair was black. It’s: It’s a gorgeous cat! its= bezittelijk voornaamwoord voor dingen & dieren It’s= verkorte vorm van it + het werkwoord to be (it is) lose: I always lose when I play games. loose: Omg! The tiger broke loose! loose= los, niet vast lose= verliezen Test: I am a better singer than/then you. First she brushed her teeth. Than/Then she dried her hair. Test: The loose/lose end of my shoelace was stuck between the door. It made me loose/lose my balance. witch with white which x Who’s Their were http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZADSyQZlvCc#t=19 (pronoun video) They’re X whose X X where X who’s there X x which white We’re X X wit