11 Access to EGR applications ESTP Training on EGR 6-7 September 2016
Overview Legal background Maintenance procedure of the access rights for EGR applications Technical procedure of accessing EGR applications The technical procedure should be approved by the BR Working Group meeting of the Member States and Eurostat on 29-30 September 2016
Legal background Appropriate national authorities of MS Access to data on multinational enterprise groups and constituent units when at least one LEU of the group is located in a respective territory Reg. 177/2008 Art. 11(2) National central banks and ECB Specific authorization needed Reg. 177/2008 Art. 12(1) and Reg. 1097/2010 Art. 2
Preconditions for data access for NCBs Authorization procedure: NSI authorize Eurostat to forward data on MNE and constituent units to the members of ESCB The specific NCB signs a confidential declaration and gets access to the micro-data Status quo: NSI from 28 MS and 4 EFTA countries signed the necessary authorization agreement for the NCBs 19 NCB from MS signed the necessary confidential declaration and now have access to the micro-data;
The EGR 2.0 applications EGR IS EGR CORE EGR IM EGR FATS CDP web- service EGR IS EGR CORE NSIs EGR IM NSIs and CDPs NSIs EGR FATS NSI and NCB users
Access to the EGR applications in practice
Annual maintenance procedure (1) Users working with EGR in NSIs and NCBs are changing The access rights of persons left during the year will be still valid Eurostat created a technical procedure for the annual maintenance of the access rights
Annual maintenance procedure (2) Member States nominate one EGR contact person (EGR coordinator) in the NSI and NCB separately, in charge of national users The person in charge should be able to define the user roles of the other national users in the institution In February Eurostat sends a list to the EGR contact persons (EGR coordinators) covering all users of the respective institution
Annual maintenance procedure (3) The EGR contact person (EGR coordinator) has to confirm or change all access rights For new users the following information has to be provided: application, name, e-mail, ECAS UID The list shall be returned to Eurostat by 15 March of each year at the latest Send list to: ESTAT-EGR@ec.europa.eu If Eurostat receives no list from a national EGR contact person (EGR coordinator), all access rights for users in the corresponding institution will be deleted on 1 April of the same year
Technical procedure for new access Create your ECAS Account Register your mobile phone Request access via the contact person of your institution Eurostat grants access to EGR applications
Step 1 - How to create an ECAS account? Register at the European Commission Authentication Service (ECAS) to get your personnel account: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/cas
Step 2 - How to register the mobile number? My Account => My ECAS Account Details => insert the mobile phone number Every time accessing the EGR applications, ECAS will provide a 9-digit code by text message to the mobile phone. This code must be entered during the login procedure.
Step 3 - Request access to EGR applications via the contact person of your institution The national EGR contact person (EGR coordinator) needs first to decide on the role of the potential user and accordingly send to the EGR Team: The name of the application the user should have access The user's first name and family name The user's e-mail address The user's unique identifier at the Commission, the uid (visible in My ECAS Account Details)
Step 4 - Granting access to EGR applications NSIs should send the requests to: ESTAT-EGR@ec.europa.eu Having the applications received Eurostat will grant access according to the request of the contact person All users of EGR application get automatically access to the EGR wiki
Detailed instructions EGR wiki: Access to the EGR data
ESTP training on EGR 6-7 September 2016 Any further questions on EGR? Eurostat EGR team is ready to help you! Contact: ESTAT-EGR@ec.europa.eu