Promoting retention through job satisfaction, not financial incentives Job retention through satisfaction
Satisfaction for job retention Satisfaction in job is more of an attitude than behavior (Oliver, 2014). It is the assortment of state of mind as well as principles that individual pertain in consideration of their existing jobs. Sometimes it becomes a affirmative emotional feeling within the appraisal of individualities. satisfaction in Job is an imperative occupation attitude in organization conduct since; It has emotional impact on contribution as well as behaviors to the comfort of workers.
Satisfaction for job retention Employees retain their position in the work place through motivation and not money. Satisfaction on jobs depends on intrinsic and extrinsic factors like: Recognition Responsibility Achievement Growth (Oliver, 2014) These factors cause people to remain satisfied with their jobs and in the long run retain the position in the work place.
Factors contributing to job satisfaction and retention Job challenges Aligning employees with companies vision Face to face conversation Good working condition
Flexibility adds trust, control, and employee value. Job challenges Employees must be challenged in their work place and be flexible to remain engaged. According to Aberdeen report, the most critical reason employees stays in their job is because they feel challenged by the work (Bender, Donohue & Heywood, 2005). Regarding flexibility, Crowley (2013), indicated that Google has integrated employees irrespective of their position or salary to an opportunity that they dedicate 20% of work hours for performing their own project Flexibility adds trust, control, and employee value.
Aligning employees with the company’s vision The company mission and vision are related and are determined by the alignment of the employee’s satisfaction. Gallup scientist conducted a meta-analysis of 49,928 business units in 192 organization across 49 different companies in 34 countries and found that can organization success through its mission and vision relation depends on employees satisfaction (Rongen et al 2013). If the employees do not feel valued in the company, they will leave the facility (Mannan, Mentzer & Zhang, 2013). This situation will make it harder for the company to succeed.
Aligning employees with the company’s vision Employee contribution becomes more broadly and takes proactive steps to create, safe environment Higher productivity Beneficial connection of customers with the organization (Longo & Mura, 2011) To achieve the company success the employees needs to be recognized respected and have regular communication
Face to face conversation Face to face conversation between employees and leaders focus on the development of the company and to retain a strong workforce (Mannan, Mentzer & Zhang, 2013). According to Aberdeen report, 34% of the employees reported to stick with their employers because; They oversaw an opportunity to be part of the company in future as they are free to air their problems directly to the leaders. The interaction demonstrates that leadership is vested in employees success for the future.
Good working condition Organization motivates workers using promotion of exercises and a healthy lifestyle. Offering on-site fitness centers and programs such as hockey games in the organization (Bender, Donohue & Heywood, 2005). Engaging workers in itinerary programs for experiences like cooking class and team building activities. These activities demonstrates the desire for strong group cohesion.
Conclusion The financial matter is not always the best motivating factor for employees to remain or retain their job. Companies offers and grant flexibility and challenge employees along with meaningful work, attract their vision and recognize their achievement are capable of promoting retention of a job through satisfaction rather than monetary values.
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References Crowley, M. C. (2013). Not a happy accident: How Google deliberately designs workplace satisfaction. Fast Company. Oliver, R. L. (2014). Satisfaction: A behavioral perspective on the consumer. Routledge. Bender, K. A., Donohue, S. M., & Heywood, J. S. (2005). Job satisfaction and gender segregation. Oxford economic papers, 57(3), 479-496.