Effective teams September 12, 2018 Launi DeYoung OrgWorks Consulting (505) 362-9000 www.orgworksconsulting.com info@orgworksconsulting.com
What Makes a Team Effective? OrgWorks Consulting (505) 362-9000 www.orgworksconsulting.com info@orgworksconsulting.com OrgWorks Consulting (505) 362-9000 www.orgworksconsulting.com info@orgworksconsulting.com
Five Dysfunctions of a Team Patrick Lencioni Inattention to RESULTS Avoidance of ACCOUNTABILITY Lack of COMMITTMENT Fear of CONFLICT Absence of TRUST Five Dysfunctions of a Team Patrick Lencioni OrgWorks Consulting (505) 362-9000 www.orgworksconsulting.com info@orgworksconsulting.com
Assess your team OrgWorks Consulting (505) 362-9000 www.orgworksconsulting.com info@orgworksconsulting.com
Assessment Observations In which areas is your team the strongest? Absence of Trust Fear of Conflict Lack of Commitment Avoidance of Accountability Inattention to Results Where does your team most need to improve? OrgWorks Consulting (505) 362-9000 www.orgworksconsulting.com info@orgworksconsulting.com
Elements of an effective Team We focus on collective RESULTS We hold one another ACCOUNTABLE We agree to COMMITT We engage in CONFLICT We create TRUST Elements of an effective Team OrgWorks Consulting (505) 362-9000 www.orgworksconsulting.com info@orgworksconsulting.com
We create trust OrgWorks Consulting (505) 362-9000 www.orgworksconsulting.com info@orgworksconsulting.com
lEADERs MUST GO FIRST OrgWorks Consulting (505) 362-9000 www.orgworksconsulting.com info@orgworksconsulting.com
the FUNDAMENTAL ATTRIBUTION ERROR “….the tendency to overestimate the effect of disposition or personality and underestimate the effect of the situation in explaining social behavior.” In other words, when we see someone doing something, we tend to think it relates to their personality rather than the situation the person might be in. The goal – the more you get to know someone, the easier it is to remember they’re human too and cut them some slack versus attributing it to their personality. OrgWorks Consulting (505) 362-9000 www.orgworksconsulting.com info@orgworksconsulting.com
Trust key points Trust is the foundation of teamwork. On a team, trust is all about vulnerability which is difficult for most people. Building trust takes time but it can be accelerated using the exercises we’re going to discuss today. Trust is never complete and must be maintained over time. For team members to open up to one another, the leader must go first. OrgWorks Consulting (505) 362-9000 www.orgworksconsulting.com info@orgworksconsulting.com
Elements of an effective Team We focus on collective RESULTS We hold one another ACCOUNTABLE We agree to COMMITT We engage in CONFLICT We create TRUST Elements of an effective Team OrgWorks Consulting (505) 362-9000 www.orgworksconsulting.com info@orgworksconsulting.com
We engage in conflict OrgWorks Consulting (505) 362-9000 www.orgworksconsulting.com info@orgworksconsulting.com
Understand your conflict style OrgWorks Consulting (505) 362-9000 www.orgworksconsulting.com info@orgworksconsulting.com
Conflict obstacle model There are many different kinds of obstacles that prevent us from getting to the core issues when trying to get things done in the workplace. The more you understand each other, the easier it is to identify and move past the obstacle and get down to the real problem the team is trying to address. OrgWorks Consulting (505) 362-9000 www.orgworksconsulting.com info@orgworksconsulting.com
Rules of Engagement Assume everyone is doing their best Be present Mine for conflict Disagree with the idea, not the person Be a fully functioning adult OrgWorks Consulting (505) 362-9000 www.orgworksconsulting.com info@orgworksconsulting.com
Conflict key points Good conflict among team members requires trust, which is all about engaging in unfiltered, passionate debate around issues. A leader must be willing to engage in and provoke productive conflict. Even among the best teams, conflict will at times be uncomfortable. The fear of occasional personal conflict should not deter a team from having regular, productive debate. OrgWorks Consulting (505) 362-9000 www.orgworksconsulting.com info@orgworksconsulting.com
Elements of an effective Team We focus on collective RESULTS We hold one another ACCOUNTABLE We agree to COMMITT We engage in CONFLICT We create TRUST Elements of an effective Team OrgWorks Consulting (505) 362-9000 www.orgworksconsulting.com info@orgworksconsulting.com
We agree to commit OrgWorks Consulting (505) 362-9000 www.orgworksconsulting.com info@orgworksconsulting.com
Team members write decisions down Commitment Tool Before the end of a meeting, list the decisions the facilitator thinks the group has made 1 Review the list until everyone is clear (speak up or forever hold your peace) 2 Team members write decisions down 3 Team members report out how they’re going to communicate it to the rest of the team and by when 4 OrgWorks Consulting (505) 362-9000 www.orgworksconsulting.com info@orgworksconsulting.com
Commitment key points To support a decision, team members need to know their opinions have been heard and seriously considered. Commitment requires clarity and buy-in. Teams that successfully commit make sure everyone understands the decision and path forward before ending the discussion. Buy-in does not require consensus. Members of great teams learn to disagree with one another and still commit to a decision. OrgWorks Consulting (505) 362-9000 www.orgworksconsulting.com info@orgworksconsulting.com
Elements of an effective Team We focus on collective RESULTS We hold one another ACCOUNTABLE We agree to COMMITT We engage in CONFLICT We create TRUST Elements of an effective Team OrgWorks Consulting (505) 362-9000 www.orgworksconsulting.com info@orgworksconsulting.com
We hold one another accountable OrgWorks Consulting (505) 362-9000 www.orgworksconsulting.com info@orgworksconsulting.com
Accountability Exercise Example Write down one strength you bring to the team and what you need to do differently to help the team be more productive. Write down one request you have of your colleagues (i.e. hold each other accountable for rolling out initiatives, respond to email promptly, share information, etc.) OrgWorks Consulting (505) 362-9000 www.orgworksconsulting.com info@orgworksconsulting.com
Accountability key points Accountability on a strong team occurs directly among peers. Peer pressure and the unpleasantness of letting a co-worker down is one of the greatest motivators. For a culture of accountability to thrive, the team leader must demonstrate a willingness to confront difficult issues OrgWorks Consulting (505) 362-9000 www.orgworksconsulting.com info@orgworksconsulting.com
Elements of an effective Team We focus on collective RESULTS We hold one another ACCOUNTABLE We agree to COMMITT We engage in CONFLICT We create TRUST Elements of an effective Team OrgWorks Consulting (505) 362-9000 www.orgworksconsulting.com info@orgworksconsulting.com
We focus on collective results OrgWorks Consulting (505) 362-9000 www.orgworksconsulting.com info@orgworksconsulting.com
All organizations are perfectly designed to get the results they get OrgWorks Consulting (505) 362-9000 www.orgworksconsulting.com info@orgworksconsulting.com
key points The true measure of a great team is that it accomplishes the results it sets out to achieve. To avoid distractions, team members must prioritize the results of the team over their own individual or departmental needs. To stay focused, teams must publicly clarify their desired results and keep them visible. Team members must prioritize the teams they are members of over the teams that they lead. OrgWorks Consulting (505) 362-9000 www.orgworksconsulting.com info@orgworksconsulting.com
Elements of an effective Team We focus on collective RESULTS We hold one another ACCOUNTABLE We agree to COMMITT We engage in CONFLICT We create TRUST Elements of an effective Team OrgWorks Consulting (505) 362-9000 www.orgworksconsulting.com info@orgworksconsulting.com
OrgWorks Consulting (505) 362-9000 www. orgworksconsulting OrgWorks Consulting (505) 362-9000 www.orgworksconsulting.com info@orgworksconsulting.com