Valerio Family Album
Clockwise from rear: Eddie Age 10, 4th grade Myself Glenn Age 8, 2nd grade Sharon Age 9, 3rd grade Cookie 15 years old beloved pet This is our family including our beloved “Cookie” enjoying some time at a local park. My wife Susan is holding the camera…
Our oldest son Daniel, serving in the Air Force (currently 23 and stationed in Japan) with little brother Eddie and sister Sharon
He is currently 8 years old and in regular second grade… Glenn, our youngest, is mildly autistic but doing fabulously due in large part to the wonderful help he received from the Infant Development Program here in Lock Haven. He is currently 8 years old and in regular second grade…
Little Sharon, growing so fast…
The three musketeers—future college students????
A wonderful privilege to spend time with them and see them grow…
Our beloved playmate…
A beautiful view of the mountains from our deck just a few blocks from Lock Haven University…