What this means for UWE, Bristol Library Services Going digital: What this means for UWE, Bristol Library Services Presentation by Jackie Chelin Deputy Director of Library Services 20 November 2017
Approaches to stock editing, reading lists and academic literacy
David Lewis – US Library Director – Indiana University Fantastic read.. Really interesting insights about future of academic libraries Interesting stuff on exponential increase in PC processing power… IBM Watson .. The evolving scholarly record .. Getting close to the market providing what universities needed their libs for .. So we have to change .. Google won discovery battle long ago . .. Libs still trying to be the starting point for search.. But constraining discovery process by institutional subscriptions.. Doesn’t fit well with users Things to get on with.. Ditch print now Develop budget strategy to move from trad publishing models to OA [Jane H conversation] Support creation and publication and preservation of scholarly content in your institution Repurpose space- have a space plan Work with academics to ensure curric delivers skills development to create and consume info Invest in network level tools and services People get right ones with right skills
Stock Go digital strategy for collection management/development Always purchase items in electronic format, if available Access over holdings is important for students On large modules Studying at a distance Overseas (although some licences are inhibiting) Helped by Patron Driven Acquisitions (PDA) Evidence Based Acquisitions (EBA) Ongoing print stock editing process Any items not borrowed for 4 years are withdrawn Just in time rather than just in case
Reading lists Piloted during 2016/17 - http://readinglists.uwe.ac.uk Aim to have 75% of reading lists in the system by May 2018 A good reading list should: Enhance students' experience by helping them manage their academic reading and provide structure to their learning. Underpin independent learning, as students develop from dependent to autonomous learners by exposing them to a range of materials and information sources. Raise interest and engagement in the subject. Enable students to access the digital content they need anywhere from any device. Involve partnerships between subject librarians and module leaders at the module development stage. Implications for academic and library staff training Recruited 4 Graduate Interns to train academics Recently developed inclusive reading list guidance
Academic Literacy Information literacy + academic writing Academic Literacy Forum Staff from across the university – community of practice Discusses English language issues, academic integrity, etc. Library Services (central hub) Technology Enhanced Learning Operational Group Academic Success Co-ordination Group Training and development, best practice case studies, etc. Offer: Study skills web site Regular bookable workshops Academic skills development embedded within programmes Referral to one to one support Monitoring and evaluation – linking with demographic/protected characteristics of students
Thank you for listening! Any questions? Jacqueline.Chelin@uwe.ac.uk