1. Sussex Community Foundation 2 1. Sussex Community Foundation 2. Grants Programme and Process, including new funds for groups in Mid-Sussex 3. Top Tips for Funding Applications
One of 46 Community Foundations in UK Founded 2006 Based in Lewes but covering West and East Sussex, Brighton and Hove Our main purpose: to raise funds for and make grants to community groups and small charities across Sussex addressing disadvantage and need, and help build resilient communities
Scale of ambition In 2006/07 SCF awarded 40 grants (total value of around £130,000) In 2016/17 SCF awarded 669 grants to a total value of £1,993,409 with almost £60,000 awarded to groups in Mid-Sussex SUSSEX UNCOVERED 2: BRIDGING THE GAP
Donors 100+ different donor funds Community Foundation model allows donors to focus on their area of interest Funds come from donors who want to give something back to Sussex communities
Grant application process Sussex Community Foundations manages 3 grant rounds each year– with deadlines in: January, May and September Funds – some 3 times each year, some twice and some only once Additional pots of money during the year, e.g. #iwill (previously Youth Social Action), Tampon Tax Community Fund Up to date information on what’s available at: http://www.sussexgiving.org.uk/apply-for-grants/how-it-works/
New funds for groups in Mid-Sussex 2 new family funds – Price and Knighton Both are now available for the current round which closes on 14th September 2018 Grants up to £5000 Both are aimed at groups working to support children & young people in the Mid Sussex area. This can include education, skills and training, addressing general disadvantage or those who might have physical or learning disabilities.
Who can apply? Volunteer led community groups & smaller charities (income levels up to £1,000,000 unless otherwise specified) You should have – a constitution/set of rules a management committee (with cheque signatories) a bank account for the group accounts or signed records of expenditure where appropriate, the relevant policies Unsure if you can apply? Contact Sussex Community Foundation or Mid-Sussex Voluntary Action (MSVA)
How much and what can you apply for? Generally SCF grants are for between £1,000 and £5,000 Funding could support: Equipment and materials Events or outings Staffing Training and skills development Rent or hire of premises Volunteers expenses
What type of work/activity can you apply for support for? Youth club activities Lunch Clubs for older people Community transport Community gardens Projects addressing homelessness Community advice and support Food banks Health and well-being initiatives Projects addressing drug and alcohol misuse
The application form For the majority of our funds please use our online SCF application form which is available at http://www.sussexgiving.org.uk/apply-for-grants/how-it-works/ If you are unable to access the online form, please contact us and we’ll provide you with a copy of the form Don’t forget to look at our ‘Guidance for Applicants’
Some tips when applying to SCF SCF Apply in good time Read Guidance for Applicants Identify and contact your referee in good time Check anything you’re not sure about with the Sussex Community Foundation Grants Team Ensure your application and supporting documents reach Sussex Community Foundation by 1700 on closing date Sign up to our grants e-newsletter for the latest information and news about deadlines and new funds
What happens next? Approximately 10 weeks from closing date to decision notification We will contact you if we need further information or clarification about your application Panels meet and decisions are made A final panel meeting brings together all the activity for the round And finally a word about feedback and reapplying (if you’re not successful this time)
What makes a good grant application? 1. Are you ready to apply? Give yourself plenty of time Is the group properly set up? Do you have the necessary governance? Where to go to for help with this
What makes a good grant application? 2. Aligning yourself with the funder’s objectives Check the criteria for applying Identify people who can help put the application together and review the final draft Contact the funder if you have questions about eligibility
What makes a good grant application? 3. Evidencing the need for your project/activity Put yourself in their shoes Don’t assume any prior knowledge Use relevant data and direct quotes if appropriate Bring the application to life
What makes a good grant application? 4. Evidencing that the activity/project is well thought through and planned, and that you can manage it Lots of ‘who, what, how, when’ questions to consider Put yourself in their shoes – especially if the project/activity is something unfamiliar
What makes a good grant application? 5. Be realistic when costing your project/activity How much, what for and how long If giving salary costs then break these down a bit If providing equipment/costs for work consider providing estimates or catalogue details
What makes a good grant application? 6. Show how the activity/project can make a difference Think about monitoring/evaluating at an early stage Focus on the impact of the project/activity on the community/beneficiary, rather than on what it does
What makes a good grant application? And finally…. Don’t leave it until the last minute Talk to the funder at an early stage if necessary Be imaginative and make the application memorable Don’t assume any prior knowledge of what you do Would you be convinced by your application and want to fund it?
Contact details SCF website: http://www.sussexgiving.org.uk/apply-for-grants/how-it-works/ E-mail: grants@sussexgiving.org.uk Phone: SCF Grants Team Hannah, Adrian, Tom or Tracy on 01273 409440 Download a copy of Sussex Uncovered 2 http://sussexgiving.org.uk/about-sussex-community-foundation/sussex-uncovered-2/ Grants e-bulletin? Complete a card to subscribe