Scientific inquiry
Scientific method Page 11 Essential Question: What steps would you take in order to perform a scientific experiment?
1. Problem/question A problem is a question based on observation that can be tested through experimentation
2. Observation/research Observe w/ senses Research using internet, journals, books, etc.
3. Hypothesis/prediction Predict solution to problem based on research “If….then….because” statement
4. Controlled Experiment Test hypothesis with step-by-step procedure Detailed List ALL materials used
5. Collect data Information and observations collected during experiment Qualitative and quantitative
6. Analyze results Display using an appropriate graph
7. conclusion Solution to problem Is hypothesis supported or rejected? Summarize and explain results Sources of error (May repeat experiment)
8. Report findings Present so others can replicate
Assignment Write questions in CUE column pg 11 Write summary pg 11 Interact with notes on left side pg 10 Complete Scientific Method WS and staple on page 10
Experiments Pg 13 Essential question: When dealing with a controlled experiment: A. What are controls and constants? B. What is the difference b/t dependent and independent variables? C. What is the difference b/t qualitative and quantitative data?
Control group Group or sample used as standard for comparison Ex. The plant in the dark is compared to the plants in the light (experimental group).
constants The factors in the experiment that stay the same in both the control and experimental group Ex. Amount of soil, nutrients, water, etc.
DV vs. iv Changes due to IV What you measure Responding variable Dependent variables (DV) Independent Variables (IV) Changes due to IV What you measure Responding variable Y- axis (DRY) What you change Experimental group Manipulated variable X-axis (MIX)
Qualitative vs. quantitative Descriptions of observations What it looks like Ex. Plant C has dried up and lost all of its leaves. Numerical measurements Numbers w/ units Ex. 15 cm
Assignment Write questions in CUE column pg 13 Write summary pg 13 Interact with notes on left side pg 12 Complete Scientific Case Studies and Simpsons WS and staple on page 12
Metric conversions Pg. 15 Essential question: How is dimensional analysis used to convert metric units?
Kangaroos hop down mountains drinking chocolate milk
Names and abbreviations Kilo – k Hecto – h Deka – da Base unit – meter (m), Liter (L), gram (g) Deci – d Centi – c Milli - m
Dimensional analysis Place a 1 in front of larger unit (which is higher on the staircase). This way you don’t have to deal with negative exponents.
Dimensional analysis practice problem #1 How many mm are in 15 cm?
Dimensional analysis practice problem #2 How many km are in 1.7 dm?
Assignment Write questions in CUE column pg 15 Write summary pg 15 Complete Dimensional Analysis WS and staple on page 14
Graphs Pg 17 Essential Question: When displaying data, which graph is appropriate to use: line, bar, or pie?
Line graph Used to show data that is continuous Points are plotted using x and y axis Points are connected Shows relationship b/t IV and DV (how/if the IV affects the DV)
Bar graph Data is NOT continuous Bars typically don’t touch Allows us to compare descriptive data (categories) No order to the categories
Pie graph Data is NOT continuous Usually presents data as a “part of a whole” or as percentages Categories add up to 100%
labeling Always use a title Label x and y axis (IV – x axis; DV – y axis) w/ name and units Use appropriate intervals, may need to round up
Assignment Write questions in CUE column pg 17 Write summary pg 17 Interact with notes on left side pg 16
Essential Question for page 18 & 19 What tools are appropriate to use to obtain various scientific data?
Tools and procedures pg. 18&19 unit tool length Meter, centimeter, kilometer Ruler, meter stick volume Liter, milliliter, cubic centimeter Graduated cylinder mass Kilogram, gram Balance, scale temperature Celsius thermometer
Scientific inquiry test Read Chapter 1 in biology textbook Make sure you can answer all essential questions. Make sure all Cornell notes are complete with questions on the side and summaries at the bottom. Make sure all interactions are complete, neat, and colored.