LEARNING LINKS: What will be at explored, achieved, discussed and learned in our class this term? SCIENCE AND ICT HUMANITIES (History, Geography, RE) PE AND PSHE Science: Life Cycles and Changes from birth to death: What are the differences in the life cycles of a mammal, an amphibian, an insect and a bird? How does the human life cycle differ from that of plants? Can we describe changes as we move through life? Computing Programming – how do you create a programme using computer software? What is coding and how does it make a programme work? Football What team skills do we need to play football? What are the skills required to pass, travel and shoot? Dance How can we create a dance to represent journeys and travelling? How can we create tension and fluidity in a dance routine? Resilience What does it mean to be resilient in all areas of learning? Can we identify when our friends are showing resilience? How can being resilient help our progress in learning? Why do people go on religious pilgrimages? Where do Christians and Muslims go on their religious pilgrimages? How can we see our own lives as a journey? Can we use maps to plot sites of religious importance? How do people with different religions express their faith? What are the different religions practiced in Bristol? What different places of worship look like and what happens there? How could you help at home? Use books and the internet to research Mecca: what facts can you discover about this important location? Make an information poster or chronological report. How could you help at home? Visit https://scratch.mit.edu/ and have a look at the kind of games that can be made using Scratch software. How could you help at home? Invent a game to play as a warm-up in PE. The warm-up will need to: involve everyone equally, get everyone moving to increase heart-rate, involve catching and throwing a ball. Games must be able to be won through scoring. They must be fun! They must be safe. YEAR 5 THEME TERM 2: Life Journeys CLASS BOOK: Boy: Tales of Childhood By Roald Dahl LITERACY MATHS The Life and Works of Roald Dahl! Did Roald Dahl just write stories? How can we write in a similar style? What facts can we include about Roald Dahl in biographical writing. Writing Explanation Texts What topical information can we include in our writing to inform and explain to readers about religious practice and differences? What calculation do we need to solve a problem? Can we work in a logical order to list all possibilities? Can we apply our knowledge of measure and calculation to solve perimeter problems? How can we use the properties of shape to sort , draw and transform them? What do all the shape words mean?! Can we solve shape problems and puzzles? How are angles and shape important in Islamic art? Can we measure angles to create our own patterns? When and how do we use maths in everyday life? CREATIVE DEVELOPMENT (Art, Music, Design technology) What symbolism can we uncover in religious art and how can we use symbolism in our own art work? What is a Tapestry – can we design and create a fabric representation of a significant journey? How can we say the days and months and ask about our birthdays in French? Class and school singing to prepare for Christmas! How could you help at home? Challenge: How many Roald Dahl books can you read this term?! Write a book review of your favourite Roald Dahl story. Create a PowerPoint about Roald Dahl’s life and works. How could you help at home? Find and gather examples of Islamic patterned art on the internet – can you put them in order of preference? Create your own versions. Research traditional songs and music from the main religions– can you find lyrics in English and in original language? How could you help at home? Challenge: Find and measure angles around your home – where can you find acute and obtuse angles? Record what you find.