Scientific Inquiry Vocabulary Grid in Interactive Notebook
Write in Table of contents: 1 Scientific Inquiry Vocab 9/1/15
Set up the grid Scientific Inquiry Vocabulary Title the page: Scientific Inquiry Vocabulary Draw a line down the center through the lines
Scientific Inquiry Vocabulary Science – Investigation & exploration of natural events & the new information that results Technology – The practical use of scientific knowledge EX: a telescope to see deep in space Observation – Using your senses or measuring to gather information and taking note of what occurs EX: smell, touch, mass Inference – Using logic based on prior knowledge to explain an observation EX: a very dark cloud in the sky is full of rain Hypothesis – Possible explanation for an observation that can be tested - data supports or fails to support Prediction – Statement of what will happen next in a series of events
Scientific Inquiry Vocabulary page 2 Pseudoscience – a collection of beliefs or practices mistakenly regarded as being based on scientific method EX: astrology Critical thinking – Comparing what you already know with information you are given to decide if you agree with it Replication – Other researchers perform others’ investigations or research (peer review) Repetition – Multiple trials of an investigation done by the researcher Empirical evidence – The cumulative body of observations of a natural phenomenon Bias – Intentional or unintentional prejudice toward a specific outcome
A rule that describes a repeatable pattern in nature Scientific Theory Scientific Inquiry Vocabulary page 3 Scientific Law – A rule that describes a repeatable pattern in nature Scientific Theory An explanation of observations or events based on knowledge gained from many observations & investigations