WEEK 12 VOCABULARY CYTOPLASM NUCLEOLUS NUCLEAR MEMBRANE NUCLEAR PORES The region between the cell membrane and nucleus that supports the organelles NUCLEOLUS The largest structure in the nucleus where ribosomes are produced NUCLEAR MEMBRANE A double lipid bilayer membrane that surrounds the nucleus NUCLEAR PORES A protein lined channel in the nuclear envelope that regulates transportation of molecules between the nucleus and cytoplasm
WEEK 12 VOCABULARY CENTROSOME CENTRIOLE MICROTUBULES Organelle in which it is the main place where microtubules get organized CENTRIOLE The dense center of the centrosome CISTERN Sacks in which proteins are produced (in ER) and then sent to Golgi Body or inserted in cell membrane MICROTUBULES Dynamic network of protein filaments that give shape to cells and power cell movement
WEEK 12 VOCABULARY DIFFUSION OSMOSIS Process by which molecules move from an area of high concentration to an area of lower concentration OSMOSIS The diffusion of water molecules through a selectively permeable membrane