Let’s work together for a better environment - Reducing use and wastage - Reusing waste - Recycling waste - Recovering from waste
Mapping to save environment Water mapping Land mapping Bio diversity mapping Energy mapping Waste utilization map Power conservation map
What should we do for a better environment ? Using sun and wind energy and cleaner fuels Conserve water and practise rainwater harvesting. - Using cattle dung, organic fertilizers for crops. - Shift from the idea of throwing away the waste to the idea of reusing or channeling it.
To protect the environment… the Chipko Movement Sunderalal Bahugana infused life into the Chipko movement and raised its importance internationally Women stopped the felling of trees – Gopeswar village, Chamoli District,Uttarkhand
And on “Sacred” Groves Plants and trees that are worshipped by people are called sacred. People began worshipping these plants because of their healing properties and medicinal value. For instance, Amla, Peepal tree, etc. “ Nature gives us resources to meet our needs, but not our greed” - Mahatma Gandhi
Thank you By S G Bhuvan Kumar Disclaimer: The images are from secondary resources and have been used by the author for the purpose of teaching only. (en.wikipedia.org, images.google.com)