Flooding Expected Learning: To learn about: - different types of flooding - what causes flooding - climate change - effects of climate change and - why some places flood more than others .
Water Fun Facts: Water covers 70% of the Earth’s surface, including lakes, oceans, seas, rivers and much more. The existence of water is essential for life on Earth. Water has three different states: liquid, solid and gas. The three largest oceans on Earth are the Pacific Ocean (largest), the Atlantic Ocean (second largest) and the Indian Ocean (third largest).
What is a flood? Put your hand up and discuss words or definitions for flooding/floods: A simple definition of flooding is: Water where it is not wanted. The flood may develop slowly or quickly. Another is: A flood results from days of heavy rain and/or melting snows, where a body of water overflows onto normally dry land.
What different types of floods exist? River Flood Flash Flood This is the most common type of flooding. River floods happen when rivers and streams cannot carry away all the extra water that comes from heavy rain or melting snow. The water rises in the rivers and streams and overflows onto normally dry land. A flash flood is a quick flood cause by sudden thunderstorms. Huge amounts of water fall in a short time and in cities and towns the drains overflow and roads become flooded.
What different types of floods exist? Coastal Flood Urban Flood Coastal floods usually occur along coastal areas. Coastal floods occur when hurricanes and tropical storms produce heavy rains or giant tidal waves which cause land to be flooded by sea water. In most of the urban area, roads are usually paved. When heavy rain occurs, the large amounts of water cannot be absorbed into the ground and this leads to urban floods.
Floods in Australia 2009 BTN Clip: http://www.abc.net.au/btn/story/s3007341.htm
What causes flooding? Heavy rain Snow melting Dam and levee failure Soil which cannot absorb the water Business and residential growth in flood areas
Flood Effects Most communities have some risk of flooding. Effects include: Losing your home Animals losing habitats Drinking water becoming contaminated (dirty) Death (usually as a result of drowning) Reduced access to essential places such as: - Schools, supermarkets, work, home, hospital etc
Your Task: Jennings: You are to looks at a particular flood that has occurred in Australia and present this to the class. Rodda: You are to looks at a particular flood that has occurred somewhere around the world and present this to the class. Meyers: You are going to look at the positive impacts of floods. Tolkien: Your are going to create a presentation which informs people of what they should do before, during and after a flood.