Analysis of the WLTP EU in-use database with respect to RDE-like trips, update and summary of previous presentations by H. Steven 17.09.2015 1
v*a_pos percentiles Figures 1 and 2 show the results for each trip (v*a_pos_95 and v*a_pos_98 values) separately per speed bin versus average speed. RDE window means average speeds between 15 km/h and 30 km/h and stop percentages above 10%. 2
v*a_pos_95 vs v_ave Figure 1a 3
v*a_pos_98 vs v_ave Figure 2 4
v*a_pos percentiles Table 1 shows the overall results per speed bin for the 2%, 5% and 10% percentiles (RPA) and 90%, 95% and 98% percentiles (v*a_pos_95 and v*a_pos_98 based). The threshold curves are shown again in figure 3. Figure 4 shows the v*a_pos_95 values per speed bin for 95 individual vehicles from the WLTP database. For these vehicles the v*a_pos_95 values could be calculated in a speed range from 10 km/h to 130 km/h. But it needs to be pointed out, that stop phases were not considered in this calculation. 5
Overall results Table 1 6
v*a_pos threshold curves Figure 3 7
v*a_pos per speed bin curves Figure 4 8
Stop percentages and durations Figure 5 shows the frequency distribution of the stop percentages for trips with an urban distance between 16 km and 67 km and for the whole database. Figure 6 shows corresponding results for the stop durations. 9
Distribution of stop percentages Figure 5 10
Distribution of stop durations Figure 6 11
Calculation of the time share above the modified threshold proposal In an additional calculation step the threshold proposals shown in figure 1 and figure 2 were applied to the joint v*a, v frequency distribution of the whole WLTP EU database, which was derived from the second by second data. The aim was, to calculate the time share above the threshold curve. The calculation results are shown in figure 7 and the overall shares above the thresholds in table 2. 12
Time share above v*a_pos threshold Figure 7 13
Overall shares above thresholds Table 2 14
Results for RPA Corresponding results as shown in figure 1 but for RPA values are shown in figure 8. Figure 8 contains also a proposal for lower thresholds intended to exclude too smooth driving. This proposal is based on the 15% percentiles of the individual RPA values per speed bin. 15
New threshold proposal based on RPA_15 Figure 8 16
End of presentation, thank you for your attention! 17