Chapter 13: Basic Comprehension of Literary Works
Two Types of Literature Informative writing is nonfiction or expository writing (writing that gives information or explanations). Imaginative writing is writing which the author creates out of his or her imagination.
Genre A genre is a category of literary composition that has a distinctive style, form, or content. The four major genres of literature are essays (and other nonfiction, such as journals or diaries), fiction (short stories and novels), drama (plays), and poetry.
Structure Structure is the design of a literary work or, in other words, how the parts are arranged and presented. Each literary genre has certain structures.
Essays and Other Nonfiction An essay is a short, nonfiction composition on a single subject, designed to present information or the personal views of the author. Autobiographies and biographies tell about the lives of people. Narratives recount the experience of the author or of someone else.
Fiction and Its Elements Fiction refers to writing that comes from an authors imagination. The elements of fiction include Who: the protagonist or main character What: the plot or action that is taking place When and Where: the setting in which the story takes place Why: the theme, overall main idea, or message How: the technique used to present the material. Technique includes the point of view, or the person through whose eyes the story is told.
Poetry Poetry refers to literary work written in verse. Poems are meant to be spoken or read aloud. There are many different types of poems, including lyric poems, elegies, narrative poems, and sonnets. Not all poems rhyme.
The Edge: Pointers from the Coach If the literary terminology confuses you, focus at first on simply getting the basic information from the literary work. Good literature doesnt necessarily make you feel good. It makes you think. The more literature you read, the more youll be able to read, understand, and enjoy literature.