Unit 5 Federalism Review Checklist & Activities For this Checklist : You will complete the (*) items and staple together with your checklist to be turned in by the day of the Unit 5 Federalism test and they will be stapled to your test. You have the options to choose as many remaining activities to participate in as long as the (*) get completed before test day. Stay on task and Focus these are applying and reviewing content for your Unit 5 Federalism TEST.
(*) Items that MUST be completed The “Federal” in Federalism Short Slip activity ( These will require a teacher guided sit-down) Figuring out Functions(1st & 2nd Pd) Whose has the Power (3rd, 5th, 6th Pd) Defining Federalism Writing Assignment
Writing Review Essential Question: What is Federalism? Based off the “Federal” in Federalism Reading wrksht on page 68. Using your One Sentence Summaries on Federalism from page 69 Turn your 8 statements into a well written paragraph on notebook paper or on a scratch sheet of paper ( Staple to your Checklist) See Example in Folder
Defining Federalism Writing Prompt Example After gaining Independence from Britain after the Revolutionary War we want our freedom from a powerful government and a shared power system with the states, so we created the Constitution. There was a need for one central government to do things like war, provide protection and establish a fair court system. So the US constitution was created to establish the idea of federalism where a federal government divides and shares powers with the states. They included a supremacy clause were if there was conflict between what the federal government says and the states say, the federal government decisions reign supreme. The Federal government receives expressed also known as enumerated or delegated powers that are specifically stated in the constitution like coin money, declare war and establish immigration laws. They also can sometimes extend their powers to things that are not specifically stated called implied powers that are part of the Elastic Clause as long as they relate to something that is delegated. Throughout history different Civil Rights movements have caused the federal government to extend its powers to help out our citizens when their rights were not being protected. Although people today still debate how much power the government should have or how limited it as well as how much power should the states have. Our system is a system that is better than other countries around the world.
“Federal” in Federalism Short Slip Complete by matching the newspaper headline to the correct excerpt power from the US Constitution. Then Check your answers using the Answer Key provided!
Who has the Power Wrksht 3rd, 5th & 6th Periods Identify which level of Government has the power to address the questions and scenarios given. Come join me at the round table to quickly discuss the answers once you have finished.
Figuring out Functions Wrksht 1st & 2nd Periods Identify which level of Government has the power to address the questions and scenarios given. Come join me at the round table to quickly discuss the answers once you have finished.
State Power: Got a Reservation Cartoon Drawing Follow the instructions on the front and draw a cartoon displaying a story using the state powers provided.
Icivics Webquest Review Go to our Class Website: Stingraycivics.weebly.com Click on Helpful links Click on The Federal Government Click on either Constitution Webquest or Three Branches Webquest. Using the links and the guided questions Click on each number at the bottom for a new question and topic. Answer on a scratch slip of paper.
How a Bill Becomes a Law Read the How a Bill becomes a Law reading Packet On the Graphic Organizer use each box to briefly describe each step in the lawmaking process THEN: (for a more simplified version) Go to our Class Website: Stingraycivics.weebly.com Click on Helpful links Click on Federalism, State, Local Government Watch the How a Bill becomes a Law Schoolhouse Rock video. Use the video to take any additional notes for the graphic organizer.
Vocabulary Fan-N-Pick
Pin the Power Venn Diagram On the back of each power is sticky tack putty. Place each power in the appropriate side of the Venn Diagram. Concurrent power place in the middle. Use Answer Key provided to Check you work.
Federal Government Review Jeopardy For those still struggling with the Federal Government Content . Smartboard has Jeopardy Review Game to help review and reinforce what we learned in Unit 4: The Federal Government. Access Through BPA Class Website: stingraycivics.weebly.com